Storytelling YouTube Thumbnail

Storytelling YouTube Thumbnail Editar este modelo
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Do you enjoy writing? Having a writing habit can improve your life. Daily writing improves persuasion skills. It helps people to think creatively through writing with words. Besides, writing can help people to stay focused on what they are working on. People can try to write at least 100-200 words every day.

Here is a YouTube Thumbnail template designed for writing habits. It is a simple thumbnail design for sharing writing skills on YouTube. In this YouTube thumbnail design, some images books, and writing is designed on the thumbnail. It suits the theme of the thumbnail. The big text of the video heading is designed on the right side of the thumbnail which can easily attract the viewer to click on the thumbnail. This template is designed with Visual Paradigm Online. With this online design tool. You can create thumbnails easily with images. You can freely drag out images from your device as a photo background. You can even edit the images by adjusting the brightness, exposure, and contrast of images too.

Searching for an online tool for designing graphics? You can go to Visual Paradigm Online and select the templates for design!

Miniaturas do YouTube Template Specifications:
Este modelo de miniatura do YouTube pode ser personalizado para se adequar ao seu objetivo. Pode editar o conteúdo, substituir a(s) imagem(ns), alterar as cores, adicionar ou remover blocos de design e muito mais.
Dominant Color
1280 x 720 px

Storytelling Series - No. 012

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