John D. Rockefeller Jr Quote

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John D. Rockefeller Jr Quote
John D. Rockefeller Jr Quote
John D. Rockefeller Jr Quote
John D. Rockefeller Jr Quote
John D. Rockefeller Jr Quote
John D. Rockefeller Jr Quote

The secret of success is todo the common thing uncommonly well.

-John D. Rockefeller, Jr

John D. Rockefeller, Jr

(January 29, 1874 – May 11, 1960)

The only son of John D. Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil Co (divided them with title" Jr."). Inheriting his father's career and power, he also became an accomplished American financier and philanthropist. Although he is not as famous as his father, he is a successful financier. His support and involvement in different fields also helps to improve the quality of life of people.

His six children grew up to be very active in philanthropy and various other fields, continuing the family's growth and expanding its influence into more areas.

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Rockefeller Family

The Rockefeller family is considered to be one of the most powerful families in American history. John D. Rockefeller and his brother William A. Rockefeller, Jr. made their fortunes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries from the American oil industry. They didn't stop there, they further developed and expanded the power of their business significantly.

The Rockefeller family developed in different fields, including politics, military, energy, education, science, medicine, fertility, agriculture, food, etc. Their descendants have also continued to develop various businesses and are known for their commitment to various charitable causes.

The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well.

What is common? How to be uncommonly well?

Even John D. Rockefeller Jr. had a famous and capable family, and if he and his descendants had been mediocre conformists, they would not have been able to maintain and grow this huge family business even with the support of the Rockefeller family. The greater the power, the greater the pressure on the managers and the difficulties they face. To effectively maintain and even further develop the business, one of the secrets of their success is to "make ordinary things extraordinary".

There are many different ways to achieve a goal, each of which takes a different amount of time and brings different results. We can naturally choose some ordinary and simple methods, but we can also choose different ways of making decisions or executing them, the results of which can be unpredictable. To be successful, we can't easily stick to common methods and try to abandon them for something uncommon.

Start being uncommonly well!

We should choose some unusual and challenging tasks instead of chasing some usual paths. If we want to get better results than others, there is no way we can just follow their steps. Only when we try to do something new, we can get different results.

Of course, by "challenging tasks" we do not mean that we should push ourselves to do more than we are capable of, but rather that we should strive to challenge ourselves to do the best we can within our capabilities. We should take advantage of opportunities while actively learning a variety of skills and talents so that we can achieve more than our goals.

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