Insights into Games Market Infographic
In 2016, the global market for gaming was estimated at USD 97.80 billion and there are now more than 2.5 billion gamers across the world. Combined, they will spend $152.1 billion on games in 2019, representing an increase of 50% more with three years.
It is expected that technical proliferation and competition in both hardware and software are driving forces that drive the market. It is also predicted that growing adoption of internet providers around the world, along with quick connectivity and access to gaming on the Internet, would keep development expectations optimistic over the coming years. Here is some interesting insight about Game Market:
Gamers spend over $150 billion on games in 2019
Mobile is the largest market segment in 2019 account for almost half of the entire games market
Mobile will continue to eclipse PC revenue
The US is expected to be the largest gaming market instead of China
Asia-Pacific is still the biggest region accounts for 47% of total global game revenues.
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