JUPAS Preparation Infographic JUPAS Preparation Infographic

JUPAS Preparation Infographic

Joint University Program Admissions System (JUPAS) is a scheme and the main route of application designed to assist students with Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination results, to apply for admission to University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded Bachelor's degree and Associate Degree/Higher Diploma programs.

When students choose courses through JUPAS, they need to understand their abilities, interests and ambitions. At the same time, they should also check the university information and analyze their future career prospects.

  1. Personal interest should be the primary consideration - Avoid reluctantly taking subjects that are not of interest or engaging in uninterested jobs in the future

  2. Know whether your abilities meet the admission requirements of the course - If personal interests and abilities meet the admission requirements of the course, students can naturally choose with confidence; on the contrary, if personal interests and abilities do not fully meet the admission requirements, it is advisable to consider courses of similar nature to increase the chances of enrolling in suitable courses.

  3. Understand "General Admissions" and "Subject Admissions" - Many institutions have changed multiple courses from general admissions to "subject enrollment", and individual subjects can be admitted through both "large enrollment" and "subject enrollment".

  4. Selection and Ranking - Students must carefully study the course information of the institution and make the most suitable course selection and ranking.

At the same time, other institutions are also actively considering the discretionary admission of applicants who have not met the minimum entry requirements for individual subjects but have performed well in other subjects. Students should pay more attention to relevant information in order to adjust the selection strategy.

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