Beach Party Poster Bright Colour Beach Party Graphic Poster 2020

Beach Party Poster

During summer holiday, it is time to join different activities for relaxing. Beach party is a good choice for us. Here is a poster designed for beach party by Visual Paradigm Online's poster maker. Graphic illustration of beach is used in the poster, while bright colour tone is chosen for designing. The poster then gives us a feeling of relax and casual, which fits the theme of summer holiday activity. By the poster maker, there are plenty of resources of different summer activities. Both the image, colour, text content and font can be customized, so you can create the poster you want just by several minutes!

Still looking for more poster templates designed for summer holiday activities? Check out on VP Online and pick the templates fit your needs!

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Carteles Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de póster se puede personalizar completamente según sus necesidades, ya sea en cuanto a contenido, colores, diseños, bloques de diseño o cualquier otro elemento de diseño.
Dominant Color
1654 x 2339 px

Beach Party

25July 2020

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