Green And Blue Hoshin Kanri Strategic Analysis

Green And Blue Hoshin Kanri Strategic Analysis Blue Cyber Hosin Kanri Strategic Analysis Presentation Design 이 템플릿 편집
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Policy Management Using Hosin Kanri

Hoshin Kanri is a way to fully manage an enterprise. It is a long-term business cycle planning and management concept originating in Japan.

  • Hoshin in Japanese means a shiny metal pointer that extends to principles, policies, plans, purposes, etc.

  • Kanri means management and control.

Hoshin kanri = direction + needle + control + logic

Think of a compass. No matter where you stand, the compass provides one direction, the same direction. Compass provides the logic to get back on track when you lose control and are at risk of shifting track.

Policy Deployment Planning

In management practice, Hoshin Kanri is also known as policy deployment or Hoshin planning. Policy management combines the goals of the top management with the day-to-day production management, and on the basis of operation, considers the strategic management factors and business management factors of the enterprise.

The concept of policy management is rooted in two well-known management skills: MBO and TQM. At the heart of the concept of policy management is policy, that is, the strategic objectives of the enterprise, the statement of the realization of strategic objectives, and how to monitor the realization of business objectives.

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1600 x 900 px

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