Pink Skincare Photo Skincare Routine YouTube Thumbnail

Pink Skincare Photo Skincare Routine YouTube Thumbnail Pink Skincare Photo Skincare Routine YouTube Thumbnail 이 템플릿 편집
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What are the steps of a skincare routine? You can first cleanse your face, and gently wash your face by rinsing the water. You can then apply toner, serum, and cream to your face. You may moisturize your face by applying moisturizer too. Here is a YouTube thumbnail template designed for skincare. It is a simple yet elegant design for skincare routine sharing on YouTube. In this template, brownish-red color is used as the color background of the design that giving a feeling of passion. An image of a beautiful woman is designed too that match the theme of the skincare routine. This template is with Visual Paradigm Online. With this online design tool, you can freely create YouTube Thumbnails with images. You can simply drag an image from your device or you can select an image from the photo library for editing. You can also freely edit your design with the customization of texts, images, colors, shapes, etc. 

Do you want to create a thumbnail in a fast way? You can browse the templates from Visual Paradigm Online and make customization with the templates you like!

YouTube 썸네일 Template Specifications:
사용자 정의 가능:
이 유튜브 썸네일 템플릿은 완전히 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다. 콘텐츠 편집, 이미지 교체, 색상 변경, 디자인 블록 추가 또는 제거 등을 할 수 있습니다.
Dominant Color
1280 x 720 px

10 Minutes Skincare Routine

Skincare tips for girls.

Presented by: Katherine Beauty Channel

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