Circular Artistic Poster Simple Poster Design With The Matching of Circle

Circular Artistic Poster

When design a poster, you can try to design it by simple shapes instead of using photos or graphics. Just as this poster created by the poster maker of Visual Paradigm Online. Even we do no use any complicated images or composition, the design of poster can still be awesome. Circles in different sizes and colours are placed on the poster, while title and text content are put in different circles. The poster looks simple but clear. Moreover, you can customize the elements on the poster by the poster maker, which means that you can still add the elements you like on the template. It is convenient and interesting, isn't it? Let's start your creation now and try to decorate your design with circles!

If this poster is not exactly the one you want, visit Visual Paradigm Online' s library for more poster templates using different shapes!

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Cartazes Template Specifications:
Este modelo de cartaz pode ser personalizado em poucos minutos. Pode editar o seu conteúdo, substituir imagens, alterar cores, alterar blocos de design e muito mais.
Dominant Color
1654 x 2339 px

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