High Contrast Poster Graphic Design Poster With Colour Crashing

High Contrast Poster

There are different kinds of colour matchings when doing creation, while colours of high contrast is one of them. Here is an example of poster using high contrast as the theme. Although there are just simple elements on it, which are text content and circles, it is very eye-catching by the use of colour. If you think that you want to try other colours, you can customize the colour and other elements on the poster in order to fit your needs. Just spend several minutes, you can finish a professional poster!

Still want more templates using different colour matchings? Visit Visual Paradigm Online, pin the templates you want and start your creation!

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Cartazes Template Specifications:
Este modelo de cartaz pode ser totalmente personalizado. Pode editar o conteúdo, substituir imagem(ns), alterar cores, adicionar ou remover blocos de design e muito mais.
Dominant Color
1654 x 2339 px


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