How To Reduce Plastic Waste Infographic How To Reduce Plastic Waste Infographic

How To Reduce Plastic Waste Infographic

The world has a problem with plastic pollution, and it's snowballing! One of our most extreme global environmental challenges is the phenomenal growth of plastic waste, especially in the oceans. Just 15% of plastic is actually recycled globally, with nearly 8 million tons of plastic waste entering our waters per year—the equivalent of one garbage truck per minute. It is estimated that our seas will have more plastic waste than fish by 2050.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, food supplies and supply options around the world have increased dramatically. Although working from home to maintain social distancing is, of course, an opportunity to support local businesses, there is no reason why we cannot help the environment and enjoy food at the same time. In addition to asking you not to use plastic tableware when ordering and bring your own container to take away, those who want to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle can make sure you reuse and recycle.

Tips for Reducing Plastic Waste:

  • Stop single-use plastics, such as straws for drinking.

  • When you go shopping, don't forget to carry a tissue bag.

  • Buy more food in bulk and less items packed.

  • Carry your own bottle of plastic cutlery and reuse them.

  • Using loose leaf tea instead of teabags.

  • Replace glass or steel containers for silicone Tupperware.

  • Substitute chewing gum with plastic-free alternatives. Or, give them up!

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