Email Marketing

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Among the new technologies that are constantly emerging, Email marketing doesn't feel new and exciting, and marketers can easily forget about it. Other online marketing models, such as:

  • web advertising,

  • search engine bidding ranking,

  • search engine optimization,

  • video advertising, and

social media marketing

They may be more common and hot, but compared to these passive, indirect marketing methods that make it difficult to retain data on user behavior, email marketing carries distinct data characteristics, user behavior can be tracked, user data can be mined, and the emphasis is on proactive, The emphasis is on proactive, interactive experiences and calculable conversion rates (ROI).

There is also a clear trend that the number of people using ad blockers will continue to increase, which means that advertising in websites will become less and less effective. As trust in social media companies declines, consumers are spending less and less time browsing social media.

While social media is unlikely to disappear, marketers are aware that over-reliance on social media is risky. 91% year-over-year growth in Facebook's CPM (cost per thousand ad displays) from 2017 to 2018 is an inflationary rate for marketing budgets that absolutely cannot be ignored.

As you can see, Email marketing is still one of the most cost effective ways to advertise in an increasingly diverse format.

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E-mail Marketing

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