Celebrate World Whiskey Day Flyer

Celebrate World Whiskey Day Flyer

May 15 is World Whisky Day! Want to curated unique whisky events?

This whiskey flyer can help you. This flyer has an orange and brown tone that matches the whiskey color, this will not only improve the aesthetics of the leaflet but also give everyone a visual experience. Want to personalize the design? You can use the online flyer creator InfoART to change the background color, the photos, and font selection. Millions of stock photos and icons are available. Other events or promotions also can be created of yourself!

Not sure if it's the right flyer for you? Explore the InfoART library for an extensive collection of customizable flyer templates!

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Folletos Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de flyer se puede personalizar según sus necesidades cambiando el contenido, sustituyendo imágenes y componentes de diseño, etc.
Dominant Color
827 x 1169 px

Celebrate World Whiskey Day - May 15

  • Drinks specials

  • Prizes and Giveaways

  • Whiskey Tasting Stalls

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