Modelling Workshop Flyer Modelling Workshop Flyer

Modelling Workshop Flyer

Do you want to be a model? If you want to be a model, you can join a modeling workshop. This flyer is created for modeling workshop propaganda, this flyer template has a yellow color tone, some model photos, also a special shape design, and some workshop information. This flyer design was designed with InfoART's online flyer design tool. You just need to update the information details to finish up the promotional flyer design. Try it!

Not exactly what you were searching for? Look through the InfoART library for more workshop flyer infographic templates!

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Folhetos Template Specifications:
Este modelo de folheto pode ser personalizado em poucos minutos. Pode editar o conteúdo, substituir imagens, alterar cores, alterar blocos de design e muito mais.
Dominant Color
827 x 1169 px

Modelling Workshop

Date & Time: Aug 28 | 7PM

To sign up, please call us by the provided number.

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