Green And White Trees Photo Earth Day Postcard

Green And White Trees Photo Earth Day Postcard Green And White Trees Photo Earth Day Postcard Editar este modelo
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Green And White Trees Photo Earth Day Postcard
Green And White Trees Photo Earth Day Postcard

Do you know about Earth Day? Every year on April 22, there is an event called Earth Day to show support for environmental preservation. It was first celebrated on April 22, 1970, and today, 1 billion people in more than 193 nations participate in a variety of events that are coordinated globally by (previously Earth Day Network).

This is a postcard template designed for Earth Day. In this postcard template, an image of trees is used as the photo background of the postcard. It shows the natural beauty of nature with a beautiful image. It also matches the theme of Earth Day and helps to raise public attention to environmental protection. This template is designed with Visual Paradigm Online. With the online design tool in Visual Paradigm Online, there are dozens of artworks in different categories for you to select as the elements for design. You can freely choose any artwork and drag it on the canvas easily. 

Searching for some postcard templates? Check out Visual Paradigm Online and find out the designs you like now!

Postais Template Specifications:
Este modelo de cartão postal pode ser totalmente personalizado de acordo com as suas necessidades, quer se trate de conteúdo, cores, layouts, blocos de design ou quaisquer outros elementos de design.
Dominant Color
559 x 397 px

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