Wave Poster Natural View Poster Of Beach

Wave Poster

Sometimes when creating poster, we can try to match the shapes or elements with the photo. Just as this poster, curves are added along to the water flow. The linkage between nature and digital graphics makes the poster be more attractive. By the library of Visual Paradigm Online InfoART, we can find many photos, shapes, and other resources. We can customize the text content, colour, shapes and images used in this template, replacing them by the elements we need, a new poster can be completed in just several minutes. Let's start your creation!

Need more examples of poster design? Check out the VP Online library for more stylish templates!

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Wave Poster(EN) | 波浪海報(TW) | 波浪海报(CN)
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Cartazes Template Specifications:
Este modelo de cartaz pode ser totalmente personalizado de acordo com as suas necessidades, quer se trate de conteúdo, cores, layouts, blocos de design ou quaisquer outros elementos de design.
Dominant Color
1654 x 2339 px


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