What is your impression of fitness? One after another focus on the exercise in front of the person, with the cold equipment around - the gym to the impression of people is probably also cold, right? In fact, it is not, as more and more people join the ranks of fitness, especially the younger generation to join the gym injected a new vitality. In response to the market trend, the image and operation mode of gyms and fitness club are becoming rich and varied.

Here is an example of a fitness club channel art design created by design tool of Visual Paradigm Online. Title is clearly shown in the middle to tell audience the owner of the channel. Frame is added to the photo, while colorful decorations are placed surrounding it. The whole design looks modern and eye-catching. By the channel art maker, all elements on the design are customizable, which means that you can change the decorations, edit the text, and even change the frame to another. Edit the template and start preparing a great channel art now!

Searching for other templates with theme of fitness? Browse the InfoART library for more stylish channel art templates!

Artes para canais do YouTube Template Specifications:
Este modelo de arte de canal do YouTube pode ser totalmente personalizado de acordo com as suas necessidades, quer se trate de conteúdo, cores, layouts, blocos de design ou quaisquer outros elementos de design.
Dominant Color
2560 x 1440 px

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