Human Resource Management Book Cover
Human Resource Management Book Cover
Human Resource Management Book Cover

Human Resource Management Book Cover

The practice of recruiting, hiring, assigning, and managing personnel is known as human resource management (HRM). Frequently, HRM is referred to as just "human resources" (HR). A company's department in charge of anything employee-related is called human resources (HR).

This is a book cover template designed for a human resource management book. This is a cute book design with graphics. Blue and yellow are used as the main color theme of the template. In this template, an illustration of a businessman is designed on one side of the template. These Easter elements suit the theme of human resource management well. The bold text of the book title is also designed on the menu. This template is designed by Visual Paradigm Online. It is a convenient tool for you to design your graphics with thousands of templates. You can are allowed to select images from the photo library and drag out the image as the background of your design.

Searching for some templates for book covers? Try out Visual Paradigm and select some designs there!

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Обложки для книг Template Specifications:
Этот шаблон обложки книги может быть настроен и оформлен в соответствии с вашими потребностями. Вы можете менять блоки оформления, цвета, изображения, редактировать содержимое и многое другое.
Dominant Color
1410 x 2250 px

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