Tips to Control Cholesterol and Diabetes Infographic

Tips to Control Cholesterol and Diabetes Infographic Tips to Control Cholesterol and Diabetes Infographic Редактировать этот шаблон
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How to control cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke?

Avoid Saturated fat

  • Excessive intake can increase blood cholesterol, especially "bad" cholesterol, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease.

  • The American Heart Association recommends limiting saturated fat intake to 5-6% of daily energy intake.

  • Food sources: fatty meat and meat products, butter, lard, some dairy products, cakes, cakes, palm oil, and coconut oil.

Recommend Dietary fiber

  • Although dietary fiber is not absorbed by the body, it is still very important for health.

  • A high-fiber diet can help maintain intestinal health and prevent colorectal cancer, increase satiety, and control weight.

  • It is recommended that adults consume no less than 25 grams of dietary fiber per day.

Dietary fiber is mainly divided into:

  • Water-soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar

  • Insoluble fiber helps intestinal peristalsis and is especially important for a healthy intestine.

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Tips to control cholesterol and diabetes

  • Obtain less bad fats.

  • Take a look of food labels.

  • Do regular exercise.

  • Stay healthy by choosing food with good dtas and oils.

  • Try to eat nuts, vegetable oils, fish and avocado.

  • Check your fat and cholesterol levels by having body check.

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