Mother's Day is a day dedicated to the memory of family or individual mothers, as well as to the memory of motherhood, and the impact of mothers in society. Different days are observed around the world, but most commonly in March or May.

This is a Facebook post template for Mother's Day. It is a feminine design with the use of a photo collage. Three images related to Mother's day were designed in elongated forms. A tiny ribbon artwork is also designed for decorating the template. This template is designed through Visual Paradigm Online. With this design tool, you can create various combinations of photo collages with dozens of templates.

Wanna create some graphics for celebrating Mother's Day? You may check out Visual Paradigm Online for creating Mother's Day graphics.

Facebook-Posts Template Specifications:
Diese Facebook-Post-Vorlage kann an Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasst werden. Sie können den Inhalt bearbeiten, Bilder ersetzen, Farben ändern, Designblöcke hinzufügen oder entfernen und vieles mehr.
Dominant Color
940 x 788 px

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