Medical Talk Of Cancer Flyer Activity Flyer Of Cancer Talk In Dark Colour Tone

Medical Talk Of Cancer Flyer

Cancer is a major cause of death worldwide, causing nearly 10 million deaths in 2020. If cases can be detected and treated early, cancer mortality can be reduced. To make people know more about cancer, hold a medical talk can help improve people's knowledge about cancer and help them effectively prevention cancer. This flyer template is for medical talk propaganda, you can see that it has a blue and orange color tone, a medical illustration, and the talk information. This useful flyer is created from the InfoART flyer maker tool, it makes this flyer template can customizable, just change the content then your flyer will be finished. Of course, you can also change the color, the image and add everything you like, try it now!

Not sure if it's the right flyer for you? Explore the Visual Paradigm Online's library for an extensive collection of customizable flyer templates!

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Flugblätter Template Specifications:
Diese Flyervorlage kann nach Ihren Wünschen angepasst und gestaltet werden. Sie können die Designblöcke, Farben und Bilder ändern, den Inhalt bearbeiten und vieles mehr.
Dominant Color
827 x 1169 px

World Cancer Day Medical Talk

Know More About Cancer

Date & Time: 4th February | 14:00 - 16:00

Location: 2/F International Center

Free Entry

More About World Cancer Day

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