Global whiskey celebration day

World Whiskey Day 2022 will be held on Saturday, May 21. It is celebrated every year on the third Saturday in May.

2021 was our tenth year.

The whiskey fans among you can make a note of the following dates:

  • 2022: Saturday, May 21

  • 2023: Saturday, May 20th

  • 2024: Saturday May 18th

  • 2025: Saturday 17th May

  • 2026: Saturday 15. May

  • 2027: Saturday May 22nd

  • 2028: Saturday, May 20th

  • 2029: Saturday, May 19th

  • 2030: Saturday May 18th

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World Whisky Day invites everyone to enjoy a glass of whiskey and celebrate the water of life. Events are taking place all over the world. If you can't find an event happening near you, why not host your own World Whisky Day event? You just need a bottle of whiskey/whiskey to share with your friends.

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World Whiskey Day

Global Whiskey Celebration

May 15


(909) 123-456-7890

[email protected]

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