Moving from the office to work at home sounds great. Why is that? Can you work and watch TV at the same time? Sounds good, doesn't it? But if that's the case, it's hard to decide what to do first.

It's not uncommon to struggle with productivity, especially when you work from home. It's hard for us to get our work done in the presence of social media interference, or to say to ourselves like we're hypnotized, "this is the last episode.".

Here are nine tips on how to stay productive when you work from home.

  1. Take off your pajamas!

  2. Create a workspace

  3. Keep your space as clean as possible

  4. Make a plan and stick to it

  5. Don't overwork yourself

  6. Play music that matches your work

  7. Avoid social media at work

  8. Walk around... Clean up!

  9. Track your progress throughout the day

A summary of the items is given in the infographic below. It shows the 9 tips to stay productive when working from home.

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