Fruit Cake Recipe Card

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Fruit Cake


  • 475 ml - Flour

  • 400 ml - Sugar

  • 2 kg - butter

  • 5 eggs

  • 5 ml - nutmeg

  • 5 ml - cinnamon

  • 5 ml - cloves

  • 225 ml - applesauce

  • 300 g - mixed fruit

  • 225 g - chopped pecans

  • 225 g - chopped black walnuts

  • 225 g - raisins

  • 125 g - chopped dates


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 325 degrees.

  2. Mix flour, sugar, butter and eggs in a bowl.

  3. Add remaining ingredients on the list to the mixture.

  4. Pour into 3 9-inch cake pans, which are greased and floured.

  5. Bake at 325 degrees for 35 minutes or until done.

  6. Cool on racks and enjoy it.

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1100 x 850 px

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