Zabaglione Gelato Recipe Card

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Zabaglione Gelato Recipe

Prep time: 8 minutes

Cook time: 3 hours

Servings: 3-1/2 cups


  • 4 large egg yolks

  • 1/2 cup sugar

  • 1 cup whole milk

  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream

  • 6 tablespoons imported dry Marsala Wine

  • 2 tablespoons dark rum

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Whisk yolks and sugar in a medium bowl until thick, about 2 minutes.

  2. Heat milk and cream in a medium saucepan over medium heat until mixture bubbles at edges.

  3. Gradually whisk hot milk mixture into yolk mixture; return to saucepan.

  4. Stir over medium heat until custard leaves path on back of spoon when the finger is drawn across and temperature registers 170 degrees F, about 6 minutes.

  5. Immediately pour custard through the sieve set over another medium bowl.

  6. Stir Marsala wine, rum, and vanilla into the custard.

  7. Cover; refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

  8. Process custard in ice cream maker.

  9. Transfer gelato to the container.

  10. Cover and freeze until firm, at least 6 hours.

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