Healthy Breakfast Meal Set Infographic Breakfast Infographic

Healthy Breakfast Meal Set Infographic

Breakfast is everything. The beginning, the first thing. It is the mouthful that is the commitment to a new day, a continuing life."     - A A Gill

The word "breakfast" comes from fasting the night before. This first meal, often considered the most important meal of the day, boosts your metabolism and helps you burn more calories throughout the day.

After a few hours of sleep, breakfast provides a lot of energy to get your body back on its toes. A good balanced breakfast replenishes your glucose supply, boosts your energy levels, and also provides other healthy nutrients. If we want to be energetic through the day, breakfast not only helps us to be energetic in the morning, but also helps your body function effectively through the day.

A healthy breakfast will give you the motivation to start your day and build up your strength for whatever comes your way this morning. The core of a nutritious breakfast is:

Whole grain - Examples are whole-wheat rolls and bagels, whole-wheat hot or cold cereals, whole-wheat English muffins and whole-wheat waffles.

Food (Low in protein) - Eggs, lean beef, beans and nuts are examples.

Low-fat milk - Milk, plain or low-sugar yogurt, and low-fat cheeses, such as cottage cheese and natural cheese, are examples.

Vegetables and fruits - New or frozen fruits and vegetables, 100% sugar-free juice drinks, and fruit and vegetable smoothies are examples.

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