Customer Journey Map (CJM)

Customer Journey Map (CJM) Column-Based Customer Journey Map Template Editar esta plantilla
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A customer journey map (also known as a user experience map) is an information map that visually illustrates a user's journey through the entire purchase process, starting with initial contact or discovery, through the engagement process, and ultimately the formation of long-term loyalty and promotion.

A CJM identifies key interaction and touch points with your business across a variety of business channels (such as social networks, mobile applications, sales channels, email, etc.) and details the customer's goals, motivations, and feelings at each step.

Trouble Shooting Your Business Process with CJM

In particular, a customer journey mapping technique that allows us to address whether an organization is consistent with customer needs was created to evaluate through different customer process scenarios:

  1. Customer-driven inbound contact, i.e. ticket service, email enquiries.

  2. Company-driven outbound contact, i.e. blog post, emails, push message

  3. Interaction and face-to-face interaction, i.e. a customer voice interview.

  4. How are the multiple connections connected together, i.e. the social network, the smartphone apps?

  5. Customer desires, feelings, opinions, i.e. likes and feedback on social networks

  6. Clients' perceptions of their experience with the business, such as surveys, questionnaires, etc.

  7. Areas where the business can struggle to satisfy customer requirements, complaints from different channels

Mapas de recorrido del cliente Template Specifications:
Esta plantilla de mapa de ruta del cliente se puede personalizar para crear un diseño que se adapte a sus necesidades. Puede editar el contenido, sustituir imágenes, cambiar colores, añadir o eliminar bloques de diseño, etc.
Dominant Color
1600 x 900 px

Crea bonitos diseños sobre la marcha

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