What is TIF

TIF is an abbreviation of Tag Image File Format. This image file format is mainly used for storing raster graphics images. It is most popular among graphic artists, the publishing industry and photographers. TIFF is widely supported by scanning, faxing, word processing, optical character recognition, image manipulation, desktop publishing, and page-layout applications.

What is JPG

JPEG or JPG is a commonly used method for digital images with lossless quality. Especially digital photography. JPEG typically achieves 10:1 compression with little minimum loss in image quality.

Convert TIF to JPG

Simple, easy and fast. Just drag and drop your TIF file into the converter and it'll be converted in a few seconds.

Fast TIF to JPG conversion

Our media converter can help you convert your TIF file into JPG with just 1 click.

Convert TIF to JPG for free

Converting TIF to JPG is free and easy to use. We also offer fast downloads for the newly converted files.

How to Convert TIF to JPG Online

Follow these quick steps to convert a TIF to JPG online:

Step 1

Upload your TIF

Upload your TIF file through the upload media pane above. You can drag and drop any TIF file into the drop zone, or choose a file from your online drives such as Google Drive, Dropbox and more.

Step 2

Download JPG File

Once the conversion is done you can download new JPG file onto your computer. From here you may choose to convert another file or try our other File Conversion Tools.

Did you know?

You can convert to other formats

Not only can we convert TIF to JPG. We have various media converters at your service for free as well.

Easy conversion tools

Frequently Asked Questions

Our conversion tool will help you convert TIF to JPG without download or installing any software. You can convert online in any browser.

Our conversion tools are great if you want a quick and easy way to convert your TIF files to JPG in your web browser.

Converting TIF to JPG is fast and efficient. Instant result is expected for most files.