Nowadays, we have different ways to share our daily life with our friends, such as sharing the photo, writing blogs, etc. Recording videos and then upload to your own channel is also an attractive way. Here is a channel art created by Visual Paradigm Online about a personal channel. Light colours are used as the main colour theme to show the style of the channel. Photos on it can help showing the lifestyle of the channel owner. By the channel art maker, you can customize all elements on the design, including the text, image, icon, colour and also the composition. Let's start your creation and design an awesome artwork for your channel.

If the style of design is not exactly the one you want, visit Visual Paradigm Online's library for more channel art templates in different style!

YouTube Channel Arts Template Specifications:
This YouTube channel art template can be fully customized according to your needs whether it's about content, colors, layouts, design blocks, or any other design elements.
Dominant Color
2560 x 1440 px

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