Green World Hand Hygiene Day Instagram Post

Green World Hand Hygiene Day Instagram Post

The bacteria that are present on our hands can cause various diseases like cold, flu and even some skin problems. When we touch different items, especially food, they transfer their germs to us. We then touch our mouths or noses with these contaminated hands which causes infection in them. Therefore, it is very important to wash hands with soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking. It will help in preventing the spread of bacteria from one person to another.

In order to raise the awareness of the importance of washing hands, WHO take 5 May as World Hand Hygiene Day. Here is an Instagram Post created for the day by Instagram post maker of Visual Paradigm Online. Bright colors are used as main color theme of the design. The graphic of earth in the middle shows that it is a global issue, while the graphic of washing hands are placed surround the earth, point out the topic of the Instagram post. By the design tool, all elements on the design are customizable, including the text, image, photo and color. Composition of the design is also editable, we can change all the parts according to our needs. Try to edit the template and start your creation!

Wan to find more designs about World Hand Hygiene Day? Visit VP Online template library, find the designs that fit your needs and create colorful promotion materials for this day!

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Instagram Posts Template Specifications:
This Instagram post template can be customized and styled according to your needs. You can change the design blocks, colors, images, edit content and more.
Dominant Color
1080 x 1080 px

World Hand Hygiene Day - 05/05/2021

Seconds Save Lives, Clean Your Hands!

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