Customer Journey Mapping

Customer Journey Mapping How to Perform Customer Journey Mapping? このテンプレートを編集する
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Customer journey map is a visual representation of every experience that customers share with you. It helps to tell the story of the customer's experience with the brand, from the initial involvement to the long-term relationship of customers' expectation. Therefore, CJM is a roadmap for businesses, which helps to determine the marketing strategy and formulate the improvement actions: the proposed target, the frequency and channel of interaction with customers, as well as the planning of resource budget, so that we can focus and take the most effective business strategies.

The following are the main steps to create a CJM

  1. Define your primary goals, objectives and target customers or users

  2. Develop personas and think about the customer's storyline, including touch points, channels, and customer journey stages

  3. Collect data and conduct research and analysis

  4. Take a good CJM template, or create one that suits your specific needs to form your own template

  5. Present, discuss and suggest improvements to the team

  6. Propose improvement measures and evaluate the effectiveness

  7. Repeat the cycle as necessary

カスタマージャーニーマップ Template Specifications:
Dominant Color
1600 x 900 px
