Book Club Poster Simple Formal Design For Book Club

Book Club Poster

Sometimes you want to read alone, sometimes you want to share the reading with your close friends, sometimes I want to invite three or five friends to read with you, and sometimes you want to get a group of friends to read together.

Indeed, different people have different interests. If you want to taste it alone, of course you can shut it up in your room, light a lamp, make a cup of tea and travel in a private spiritual world. If you want to share, you have to be open-minded, get out of your study, and talk about the knowledge you've captured.

Invitation template: National Reading Day Invitation (Created by InfoART's Invitation maker)

(Invitation of National Reading Day. Edit now,)

Sometimes, reading is a lever. It will take advantage of your long passive and lazy lifestyle and make you fall in love with reading, life, interaction with your friends, and yourself.

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1654 x 2339 px

Book Club

Sept 1 2020 | 1pm-3pm

with Special Guest Mrs. Porter

Join us at this monthly book club event

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