Earth Day Online Sharing Poster Pink And Green Mother Earth Celebration Design

Earth Day Online Sharing Poster

"Diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide " is the mission of EARTHDAY.ORG. Every year on April 22, they would hold a series of activities with their 75,000 partners from more than 190 countries.

Here is a simple poster designed for World Earth Day created by Visual Paradigm Online. The design uses green as the main colour tone, while the graphic of earth and other natural elements including clouds are also used. Visual Paradigm Online library has plenty of elements about the earth and environmental issues. You can pick the ones you want and then start your customization!

Need more poster design for the World Earth Day? Check out on VP Online! Pick the poster that best fits your need and start your creation!

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Este modelo de cartaz pode ser personalizado para criar um design que se adapte às suas necessidades. Pode editar o conteúdo, substituir imagem(ns), alterar cores, adicionar ou remover blocos de design e muito mais.
Dominant Color
1654 x 2339 px




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