Artist Workshop YouTube Channel Art

Artist Workshop YouTube Channel Art Purple Artist Workshop YouTube Channel Art Design Editar este modelo
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Do you want to share your works to others through videos? Firstly, you have to create a channel, while an attractive and clear channel art will be very important for you. Here is an example of channel art created by Visual Paradigm Online. As an channel art, you do not need to show too much information as the audience will not spend too much time on it. As shown in this design, title of the channel, personal website of the artist and also the icon of "video" are shown, which is enough to tell the audience who you are, your profile and also the theme of the channel. Using photo of you working process as decoration and tune the colour to fit your background can also improve the outlook of the design, while it is also a kind of the "content".

If you want to try different ideas on this design, you are welcomed to do so. Through the channel art maker, all elements on the design are customizable, you can edit the text, change the colour, replace the photos, and even change the composition. You can edit everything according to your needs and create your own channel art!

If the style of designis not exactly the one you want, visit Visual Paradigm Online's library for more channel art templates in different style!

Artes para canais do YouTube Template Specifications:
Este modelo de arte de canal do YouTube pode ser personalizado e estilizado de acordo com as suas necessidades. Pode alterar os blocos de design, as cores, as imagens, editar o conteúdo e muito mais.
Dominant Color
2560 x 1440 px

Crie designs bonitos em tempo real

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