(PDF) Diabetes Freedom By George Reilly
Published: Apr 21, 2024
According to studies, more than 34 millions Americans have diabetes. Of those, 95% are type 2 diabetics. This translates to 1 in 10 Americans living with the disease. A person is dependent on insulin, and other medications to get by. The lifestyle restrictions remind people that they can't live the life they want to live. Diabetes is now affecting both young and old. Diabetes Freedom offers hope for reversing this debilitating disease.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is caused when the body does not produce enough insulin to properly absorb glucose or when it fights insulin. A lack of glucose in the body's cells can be dangerous to vital organs as well as the overall health. The symptoms of the disease include frequent urination and a constant feeling of thirst and hunger. Although the exact cause of this disease is unknown, obesity and lack of physical activity seem to be major factors in its development.

About Diabetes Freedom

Freedom from Diabetes teaches people who have type 2 diabetes to reverse their disease and regain freedom. The guide follows a simple three-step procedure that explains how to create different health juices using vegetables, fruits and herbs. This will help you get the nutrients needed to reverse the effects of diabetes. This discovery was made by the manufacturer after years of research, using credible sources. They even provide links to these reports on their site.

According to this research, type 2 diabetes is caused by fat cells that are released into the bloodstream. The fat cells then clog up vital organs such as the liver and pancreas. The pancreas is vital for the secretion of insulin, which is necessary to allow glucose absorption into cells. The pancreas is affected by the destabilization of its proper functioning, causing other body parts that depend on energy to not perform as they should. Diabetes Freedom aims to reduce the type 2 diabetes caused by these low blood sugar levels.

What to Expect

The system is a three-step guide that helps someone stop type 2 diabetics in their tracks and reverse its adverse effects on the body. The first phase involves an eight week course that teaches you how to make the right shakes to reverse the disease in two weeks. The guide tells them which products they should buy at the supermarket with the correct phytonutrients in order to destroy fat deposits within their bloodstream. This is the first of a five-part series.

In the second step, there are several videos of two minutes each that show how to prepare juices for diabetes prevention. These videos guide someone through seven steps to protect their body from the disease.

The third step includes instructions for maintaining a diet in order to prevent weight gain and stay trim. The third step contains instructions on how to maintain a diet to stay trim and prevent weight gain.

Nutrients Involved

You will discover that several essential ingredients have been used to prevent and stop the deadly disease. Dark chocolate, cinnamon and white lignans are among the ingredients that have been used to stop or prevent this killer disease. These foods contain three essential compounds, prophenylphenols (a type of flavonoids), lignans, and parsley, which are necessary to destroy fat and rebuild the body's immunity against disease.

The Diabetes Freedom Process

The three-step process helps you introduce phytonutrients to your body, which target and destroy fat cell deposits in the bloodstream. It also eliminates toxins and restores DNA structure. This process uses prophenylphenols, lignans and other phytonutrients to eliminate fat from the liver and pancreas.

By eliminating fat from the body, and providing the necessary nutrients, the vital organs will start to work at their best. The pancreas is responsible for producing the insulin required to absorb the much-needed glucose. The liver is able to do its job of effectively burning fat to prevent future buildup.

Use Diabetes Freedom

Diabetes Freedom provides people with an eight-week program to follow in order to provide them with the nutrients they need. These nutrients are absorbed by the body and help to reduce fat deposits. To reap the benefits of this program, one must follow the daily shakes recommended intake. These recipes are easy to follow and introduce new foods in one's diet. They can be prepared quickly using ingredients from the grocery store.

The program is not dependent on regular exercise. It can be used to reap the benefits of the program. You can eat whatever you want without having to limit your diet. The system restores the body's proper function by providing the nutrients it needs.

Safety Protocol

The program uses a natural approach to introduce its clients to foods which restore their bodies back to their healthy state. The simple approach allows the body to experience renewed health, without the side effects of conventional medications and supplements. This product combines superfoods that humans have used for centuries. This combination makes these superfoods an effective weapon against fat and is beneficial for the body's recovery.

Diabetes Freedom Benefits

This formula is the best way to help people with diabetes lose weight. This fat is removed, and the liver functions properly again. It maintains a healthy weight by burning fat.

These nutrients also remove toxins from the bloodstream. These toxins are responsible for fat deposits in the bloodstream, and they also destroy proper organ and cell function. By eliminating them, the body can begin to heal.

As the fat is eliminated, organs begin to function properly. The body can then enjoy its restored balance as the organs begin to function properly.

The cells get the energy that they need to properly fuel the body. The body is able to achieve things that it couldn't before. The restored energy levels allow individuals to enjoy the activities they abandoned due to low energy levels.

Restorative sleep is a result of restoring the body. The body manages digestion and processes nutrients efficiently. This ensures that an individual doesn't feel tired all the time with poor digestion.

Cost and Shipping

The product is available in a physical and digital format. To get the $37 offer for the entire package, one must access the product through the official website of the company. When you pay through the link, you get access to all the content online. Printing is possible in the digital format, so that one can have a physical copy. Once a client has paid for the product, they can immediately access it online. You can access the product from your smartphone, laptop or tablet.

Refund Option

The company lets you test the product out for a full year before deciding if it is right for you. If they do not feel that the product has worked, they can contact the company and get a refund. The only thing they need to do is delete all digital media in order to get their money back.


When can I expect to receive the program after paying for it?

The full program is immediately available to clients once they have paid for it. After the client has checked out, they will receive a link that gives them immediate access to instructional videos and life-changing material.

Where can one buy the food directed?

You can buy the foods that are used in this program at any grocery store. The best place to find quality food is at health food stores.

Apart from superfoods, what else can one do?

The food used in the program does all the hard work, so clients can live as they choose. The program does not include a healthy diet or a fitness regimen.


You can access the program immediately.

Enjoy a renewed sense of energy.

Diabetes is stopped and the damage to the body reversed.

You can use any digital device to access the program.


This program is a limited-time offer.


Type 2 diabetes causes people to be more cautious and live with less freedom. It can cause worse conditions which negatively affect quality of life. Diabetes Freedom allows people to live their lives without worry. People can enjoy their favorite foods and do the activities they used to.

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