Audivax Reviews - Does Audivax Ingredients Work?
Published: Jun 19, 2024
AudiVax, a hearing loss treatment, is designed to restore your hearing naturally without surgery, medications, or other traditional treatments.

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AudiVax, a "secret" formula originating in India, is said to help improve hearing and stop older adults from experiencing the beginning stages of hearing loss.

AudiVax is a great alternative to a hearing aid if you're not happy with your current hearing and don't want to undergo surgery.

What is AudiVax
AudiVax, as mentioned above, is a nutritional product that supports healthy hearing. According to the official website of the formula, it uses natural herbal ingredients that combat inflammation which decreases your body's capacity to process sound.

Eric Kitzenberg is a medical research who has been working in this field for more than 20 years. Eric Kitzenberg claims to have lost his hearing as a child, to the point that he found it difficult to communicate with others.

Eric sought alternative medicine to help improve his hearing instead of using invasive hearing devices or risky surgical procedures. Sri Chimnoy was a "health-guru" who helped Eric develop AudiVax.

Eric claims that after using AudiVax a few weeks, he had a complete change of life. He could not only hear again, but also better than ever before. AudiVax was launched to the public to allow others to experience the same success he had.

What is AudiVax?
According to the creator of the app, hearing loss can be caused by a lack in filial cell. These cells support your body’s ability to process sound through your ear. Certain medications, which are expensive and sometimes costly, can help your body make these cells.

AudiVax is a mixture of natural ingredients which, according to the manufacturer, helps you produce more filial cell so that your brain can process sound more efficiently.

Studies have also shown that inflammation of the ear can affect your brain's processing ability. AudiVax reduces inflammation in the brain, so that sound waves are processed efficiently and quickly by your brain.

AudiVax Ingredients
AudiVax is a mixture of about 12 vitamins, minerals and other plant extracts that support hearing. According to Eric, AudiVax's main benefits are derived from nine ingredients. The nine ingredients are:

Rhodiola Rosea Rhodiola Rosea is an herb that reduces inflammation of the central nervous system. It is one ingredient in AudiVax. The Rhodiola Rosea found in AudiVax is a two-step ingredient that can help prevent hearing loss and quiet the brain waves associated with hearing. Rhodiola Rosea is a natural adaptogen that has been used in Ayurvedic Medicine for centuries as a stress reliever.

Ashwagandha has also been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. According to Eric the ashwagandha used in AudiVax helps strengthen your eardrums and reduce background noise. It also boosts hearing-related cell proliferation.

AudiVax is a tea that contains chamomile. According to Eric the chamomile found in AudiVax helps reduce inflammation, which can affect hearing and inflammation throughout the body. Eric believes that the tea is "hugely beneficial to those who are hearing impaired" because of its effects.

Lemonbalm: Another famous herb that is known to calm, the extract of lemon balm, has been said to increase oxygen flow in the eardrums. This makes it easier to listen. AudiVax's lemon balm extract may help if poor oxygen flow is causing your hearing issues.

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Skullcap According Eric, AudiVax also contains skullcap which stimulates the filial cell that is connected to hearing. Skullcap is a native Indian plant that has been used by dozens of studies and hundreds of participants.

Hawthorn : According Eric, hawthorn is in AudiVax to increase circulation and lower blood pressure. Blood flow is essential for hearing. Hearing will be affected if you don't have enough blood flowing to your inner ear and ears. AudiVax uses Hawthorn to fix this problem.

Passionflower According Eric, passionflower is found in many sleep aids and calming pills. It helps to relax and rest hearing cells.

Valerian is another common ingredient in sleep aids. It has been recognized as a way to relax the body and calm the mind. According to AudiVax the valerian can help your hearing become stronger and more powerful, while also encouraging new cell growth by acting as an sedative to your brain and neuro system.

Is AudiVax safe? AudiVax Side Effects

AudiVax was designed not only to be a safe hearing loss formula, but also to be effective. As of this writing, no side effects have been reported while using this product.

Rarely, a supplement can cause nausea, headaches, or minor stomach discomfort. AudiVax does not differ. The risk is low, and even if this does happen, it's likely to be minor and only temporary.

While AudiVax was designed to be safe for all, it is still important that you exercise caution. You should consult your doctor if you have a medical condition or are taking prescription medications.

AudiVax, in general, is completely safe and won't harm your health. It is best to consult your doctor if you have any doubts about whether or not this product will work for you.

AudiVax Pricing & Guarantee
You can order AudiVax directly from the official site. You'll also find a variety of purchasing options including:

1 Bottle - $69 plus free US shipping
3 bottles: $177 plus free US shipping ($59 per bottle).
6 bottles: $294 plus free US shipping ($49 per bottle).
Each order also comes with a money-back guarantee of 60 days. You can get a refund if you're not satisfied with your purchase or don't see the results you want.

Final Word
AudiVax, a hearing loss product, is targeted at people who are deaf or have severe hearing loss.

AudiVax is a daily supplement that can supposedly heal hearing loss in minutes. Eric, the creator of AudiVax claims that he has cured clinical hearing loss in dozens people by using AudiVax.

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