Dark Horizons Survival Book PDF: Prepared To Thrive Reviews Consumer Reports
Published: Aug 14, 2024
Dark Horizons: Prepared To Thrive is a 90-page survival book designed to help you deal with difficult situations.

Dark Horizons Survival Book is available exclusively online for instant purchase. It includes hundreds of tips, tricks and strategies which could be the difference between life and death in an emergency.

Official Website ===>>> https://eurl.live/thefinalcollapse

What can you expect to learn from Dark Horizons? Does the emergency guide make sense? In our review, we will tell you everything that you need to about Dark Horizons.

What is Dark Horizons Survival Book?
Dark Horizons: Prepared to Thrive is a package of survival guides and eBooks sold exclusively through TheFinalCollapse.com.

Dark Horizons PDF is a $37 one-time purchase that comes with a 60-day guarantee. It teaches you how to deal with unexpected situations, from social unrest to natural disasters.

All Dark Horizons purchases come with two bonus guides. This gives you three guides total.

Dark Horizons - Prepared for Thrive + Bonus Books
Bonus Guide #1: Dark Horizons: Unbreakable Resolve
Bonus Guide # 2: 30-Day Emergency Plan
Upon confirmation of your order, you will receive instant access to the three guides. The PDFs can be read on any device and printed. You can keep them.

Dark Horizons is a movie that some people buy because of a prophecy that warns about future disasters in America.

Dark Horizons is also purchased by those who are concerned about the rise in artificial intelligence and the increasing severity and frequency of natural disasters.

Dark Horizons is a book written by David Regan. He teamed up to publish it with Gabriel, a survivalist. David and Gabriel are on a mission to share their survival strategies with other Christians who have similar beliefs.

Dark Horizons Benefits
Dark Horizons, a 90-page survival guide, contains tips, tricks and tools that you can use to safeguard your family.

Dark Horizons offers many benefits, including:

Step-by-step survival plan for unexpected situations
Discover why artificial intelligence is a threat to humanity.
Find out what you need to survive an emergency, including the tools and items that you must have.
Find out why the Bible predicted the AI-fueled downfall of society and why AI is Satan's mouthpiece.
Written by experts in survival and prepping based on actual strategies
Guaranteed 60-day refund
Are you worried about artificial intelligence?
Dark Horizons targets anyone who is worried about future disasters. Dark Horizons' author, however, seems to be particularly worried about artificial intelligence.

The author calls artificial intelligence an " seduction" and claims that the Bible has warned against its dangers for centuries.

Dark Horizons' author, as proof, points to the Apple logo. Apple is one of the leaders in artificial Intelligence. Apple's logo features an apple which is the forbidden Fruit from Eden.

Dark Horizons author describes the dangers Apple's artificial intelligence and Apple's advancements:

"...the Antichrist will appear at the end of humanity...it's one of the signs for the End Times...Although Apple Inc. never acknowledged it publicly, its logo is straight from the Bible. The apple has always been a symbol for knowledge ..."

Apple and other tech firms have created artificial intelligence today as a result of pursuing knowledge. Dark Horizons author sees AI in a negative light:

Artificial intelligence is a work of Satan disguised. I think people should understand that artificial intelligence, or "artificial intelligence", is the work of Satan disguised .".

The author of Dark Horizons says that when you use AI tools such as ChatGPT, you're actually communicating with Satan. You are interacting with Satan's false intelligence every time you use ChatGPT or other AI tools.

Dark Horizons is a guide that teaches you how to protect your family against the impending disaster by defending yourself from Satanic AI algorithms.

Artificial Intelligence will open a Pandora's Box leading to a societal collapse
Why is the author Dark Horizons so concerned about artificial intelligent? His analysis suggests that AI will lead to the inevitable collapse of civilisation.

AI isn't the sole work of Satan. It is also the beginning of a chain of events which will eventually lead to the end of the world as we know.

The author makes the following connection between artificial intelligent and the collapse in society:

Apple, Google and Microsoft have all developed AI systems with advanced capabilities that will revolutionize the world.
AI systems are solving problems and increasing productivity today. In the long run, AI systems will take jobs away.
AI has already rendered millions of jobs obsolete. As AI advances, millions of jobs will disappear.
People lose their livelihoods as jobs disappear. They cannot afford to buy food or shelter. They grow more desperate.
This cycle will eventually lead to the end of mankind.
Dark Horizons author believes that artificial intelligence could go even further and kill people on purpose.

As AI advances, it will speed up the fall of mankind by doing things like:

Sabotaging infrastructure
Spreading propaganda
Information is used to start wars
Economic turmoil can trigger a financial crisis
Fostering social unrest
Establishing a world order that controls every aspect of our lives
Dark Horizons author Dark Horizons believes that humanity must take action today to protect themselves. You and your family may be victims of AI if you do not take action today.

Who is the creator of Dark Horizons?
Dark Horizons is the creation of David Regan, a self-described Prepper and Follower of God.

David wrote Dark Horizons to protect as many as possible against the rise of AI. He has witnessed societies crumble in the past and wants to stop America from suffering a similar fate.

David was inspired to write Dark Horizons by his struggle to survive with his family during a natural catastrophe. He believed he was prepared because he had stocked up on food and emergency supplies. He was utterly unprepared to survive in a real emergency.

David was fortunate to have a neighbor, Gabriel, who helped him and his family survive.

Dark Horizons is a book that David and Gabriel wrote together to help anyone survive unexpected events.

Why is it called "Dark Horizons?"
David wrote Dark Horizons, because he thinks humanity will face darkness in the future.

The rise of AI is going to push humanity into darkness.

The darkness on the horizon is because we are already at the beginning of the darkness. It is approaching and will reach us in the same way that every sunset does.

David explains what the title of his book means:

If you do not take action today, the darkness that is approaching could be too much for you. By reading Dark Horizons today and applying the lessons, you and your family can be protected, and have the best chance of surviving this upcoming darkness.

What will you learn in Dark Horizons?
Dark Horizons is a book that teaches you how to stay healthy and happy even when the world around you is falling apart. It explains how you can protect your family, survive unplanned situations and avoid AI's dangers.

Dark Horizons covers a wide range of topics.

We are at the "Beginning of Sorrows", Right Now. ChatGPT will be launched in November 2022. This event seemed innocent, but it has the potential to change the world's future. David Regan, the author of Dark Horizons, claims that AI has led humanity into the "Beginning of Sorrows", as predicted in the Bible. Early warning signs are already present, but the problems will only get worse.

Why The Rapture Won't Save You: In Dark Horizons on page 14, you will discover why the Rapture can't save Christians who are devout from AI. The Bible predicted that the Rapture would protect faithful Christians from the end-times, but it is not an immediate solution to AI. On page 14, you'll learn why the Rapture isn't a reliable solution.

Why Covid taught us to be smarter preppers: You'll find out on page 36 why the Covid pandemic taught the world to be better prepared. Even those who don't consider themselves to be prepared learned some basic rules. David explains on page 36 how we can use the Covid-era guidelines to protect ourselves today.

Exact list of things your family needs to survive up coming disasters: You need to provide certain items, tools, and materials to help your family survive. You can find a list in Dark Horizons of the specific items that your family will need to remain safe, healthy, and happy during any unexpected emergencies.

The #1 Thing You Must Pay Attention To in a Crisis : David explains on page 28 of Dark Horizons the most important thing to be aware of when you are facing a crisis. The one thing that is the most responsible for catastrophe deaths outweighs all other causes.

How Your Faith Could Protect you: David wrote Dark Horizons primarily for Christians and believes that your Christian faith can protect you against unexpected events. He claims that "your faith may be the difference between you surviving and failing completely, or being at the mercy outside forces" in the future.

How To Always Have Enough Heat, Food, Shelter & Everything You Need: The difference between barely surviving, and living a healthy and happy life, is a matter of perspective. You'll learn how to ensure you have enough shelter, food, and heat to keep yourself safe for many weeks, months or even years. Not only is it important to survive, but also to be comfortable.

How To Stay Safe Without A Working Power Grid For 5-10 Years: David the author of Dark Horizons believes that you should prepare yourself to live without a functioning power grid for a period between 5-10 years. Artificial intelligence will cause the power grid to collapse, leaving us with no electricity for decades. Dark Horizons teaches you how to survive without electricity, food, warmth, or shelter.

When To Dig In And Make Your Home A Survival Shelter Or When To Bug Out: David explains on page 44 of Dark Horizons how to determine if your home will be a good place for you to survive a disaster or when to bug out. Your home can be the best option. You may need to prepare yourself for a move.

Official Website ===>>> https://eurl.live/thefinalcollapse

Turning Your Home Into a Safe Survival Retreat There are certain steps you can take to make it safe and comfortable if you choose to stay at home. David describes how to protect your home from virtually any intruder on page 46 of Dark Horizons.

Why you don't need a gallon per day: Experts say that you only need one gallon a day to survive. David explains on page 49 of Dark Horizons that this figure is "BS." It's not true. You don’t need a gallons of water every day. Dark Horizons, page 49, will tell you how much water to use and how to ensure that supply.

How To Harvest More Water Than you Could Ever Need. In Dark Horizons on page 51, David explains to you how you can harvest more water that you will ever need even if you are a family of many. You can collect water from any environment using a simple technique. This will give you a reliable supply of this life-saving resource.

Why Going Back to Our "Hunter Gatherer Roots" Could Doom Your Family: Many preppers believe that hunting and gathering is the best method to provide food for their families and themselves in the days after a disaster. David warns against such an approach, saying it could "doom your family".

First Aid Kits: Most preppers purchase a kit of first aid without knowing how to use them. You may have purchased a first aid kit online. It may sound impressive, but the kit may not help in an emergency. David explains first aid supplies in Dark Horizons.

How To Fortify Your Front Door : Your door is an easy target in an emergency. Your house is not safe if it's simple to open. Dark Horizons contains proven methods for strengthening your front door.

Simple ways to defend and strengthen every entry point in your home: You need to fortify all other entry points, including garage doors, windows, backdoors, and others. Dark Horizons contains proven methods for keeping unwanted people out of your home.

How To Setup A Perimeter Around Your Home: Creating a perimeter could help keep scavengers away. Dark Horizons explains how to easily create a perimeter for your home, including multiple layers of deterrence and defense.

How To Make Your Food Stockpile Last 20 Years Or More: An emergency food supply should last at least 20 years. Many preppers store their food incorrectly resulting in spoilage and wasted food. Dark Horizons will show you how to make your food supply last as long as possible.

Build a First Aid Kit of Paramedic Quality for a Fraction the Cost: Having a paramedic grade first aid kit can make all the difference in saving a person's life. Dark Horizons will show you how to build a superior first-aid kit without breaking your bank.

Protect Your Family Against Civil Wars, EMPs & Plagues: Dark Horizons is here to help you learn 12 skills that will increase your chance of survival.

What Skills Are Required to Create a Thriving Township after a Disaster? After a disaster, you may need more skills than just survival. As you rebuild modern society, you will need to have the skills necessary to create a vibrant township. Dark Horizons will teach you some of the skills that are most essential for this post-apocalyptic world.

The Top 10 Must Have Items for the 30 Days Following a Disaster: Dark Horizons includes two bonus eBooks. One eBook focuses on the first thirty days following a disaster. Discover the 10 most important items to help you survive and thrive in the first 30 day after a disaster.

Keep your cool when injured, dehydrated and exhausted: Everyone is prepared until they are punched. Dark Horizons has some great lessons that are easy to learn. You may not be able to remain calm when disaster strikes. This guide will help you to learn how to keep cool in a disaster.

David describes Dark Horizons " as having a set instructions that only you are aware of. You don't have to fumble around blindly in the days following a disaster. Instead, you can refer to a 90-page guide at any time, protecting yourself and your loved ones.

What is included with Dark Horizons?
Dark Horizons is available immediately for purchase, and you will also receive two free eBooks.

Dark Horizons Prepared to Survive: This main Dark Horizons guide contains a variety of survival strategies, tips and tricks that you can apply in a wide range of situations. This guide contains a variety of strategies that can be used to prepare you for any situation, whether it is the rise of artificial intelligent, social unrest or preparing yourself for an unexpected event.

Bonus guide #1: Dark Horizons Unbreakable Resolution: This is the first bonus guide, Dark Horizons Unbreakable Resolution. This guide explains how to use proven mental strategies to help you survive unexpected situations. How can you remain calm when sick or injured? How can you maintain your calm when the world around you is falling apart? This bonus guide contains some of David and Gabriel's most important tips on how to strengthen your resolve after a crisis.

Bonus guide #2: 30 Day emergency plan: 30 Day emergency plan is a free eBook that outlines the steps you should take within the first 30 after a disaster. It also explains how to get ready for the 30 days ahead by taking immediate action. Discover the 10 most important items you need to have to stay safe for 30 days. You will also learn how to prepare for your first 30 after a disaster.

Dark Horizons Prepared To Thrive Reviews Consumer Reports

Dark Horizons' official website is full of testimonials from readers that have enjoyed the lessons in the guide and feel more prepared for emergencies.

Some reviewers even referred to the author as " modern day prophet" because of his ability predict the future and provide protection for others.

These are some of reviews that have been shared on the official site by verified buyers:

The layout and overall presentation of the book has been praised by many reviewers for making it easy to understand the lessons. Dark Horizons can be easily understood by anyone, regardless of their background.

One customer called the information "amazing" and said he had "never seen it before.".

Dark Horizons is purchased by some customers who believe that a disaster will occur in the United States. claims that one customer "agrees 100% with the prophecy about what will happen here in our United States of America", but she believes "God planned for me survive" because Dark Horizons has been granted to her.

Dark Horizons is a favorite among customers for its explanations of the dangers associated with AI. Many people have a "bad vibe" about AI, but aren't sure what it is. Dark Horizons reveals some of the dangers of AI, and its potential impact on society.

Dark Horizons is also popular with readers who appreciate the Christian perspective. The book was written with a Christian perspective and includes many Bible verses. Dark Horizons is a good choice if you enjoy survival tips combined with Biblical analogies.

Dark Horizons is a book that most readers had never read before. However, they still found it easy to apply the lessons. Dark Horizons' lessons can be implemented with no hard skills and little practical experience.

Dark Horizons Pricing
Access Dark Horizons immediately online through the official website. Dark Horizons, along with two bonus guides, are available immediately for a $37 one-time payment.

Dark Horizons is available for purchase on the official website.

Dark Horizons + Bonus Guides - $37

You can also purchase Dark Horizons and receive four exclusive upsells for a discounted price. These bonus guides would normally cost $40 to $100 each. You can add these guides to your order for just $9.99 each.

Dark Horizons offers the following bonus upsells:

Bonus guide #1 (+$9.99), Patriot Home Defense: Patriot Home Defense will teach you how to defend your home against unexpected situations. You can make your house less of a threat to attackers, whether you own firearms or have never owned one. These tips can make the difference between life and death. This book is based on real-life experiences of families who lived in war-torn areas and defended their homes against all kinds of situations. Discover how to stay calm, sleep well and remain focused in unexpected situations.

Bonus guide #2 (+$9.99). No warning: Surviving The First 72 Hours. Your future survival depends on how you handle the first 72 hours following a disaster. Those who are proactive during the first 72 hours of a disaster can survive and thrive. Those who do not may not. Austin Murphy is a former United States Marine Corps sniper, scout and sniper. He wrote this eBook. Austin Murphy is a father of three and a survivalist coach. He wrote this book to give you an unfair advantage over the desperate masses.

Bonus Guide 3 (+$9.99) : Secrets of Sanitization after SHTF : After the SHTF, it is important to protect your family from both visible threats and hidden threats. Bacteria and poor hygiene are two of the most deadly issues. They can kill you before your enemies. This guide will teach you how to prioritize hygiene in a disaster, and what you should keep on hand at home to remain safe and healthy.

Bonus guide #4 (+$9.99). No Warning: First 90 Days and No Warning First Year. The fourth bonus is actually two bonus guides. No Warning: the First 90 Days, and No Warning: the First Year are two bonus guides that can help you through those first few days and weeks after a disaster. Discover proven strategies to protect your family in the 90 days following a disaster.

Dark Horizons Refund Policy
Dark Horizons comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. You have 60 calendar days to read Dark Horizons, including the bonus guides. You can get a full refund if you are unhappy with the information in the guides within 60 days after your purchase.

The Final Collapse
Dark Horizons was published online by The Final Collapse and is exclusively sold online through TheFinalCollapse.com.

Dark Horizons' customer service department can be reached via the following contact details:

Email: [email protected]
Final Word
Dark Horizons: A Survival Guide is designed to protect you and your family from unexpected events, such as natural disasters, social unrest, and catastrophes.

Dark Horizons is available exclusively online at a cost of $37 . It comes with bonus guides that will increase your chances of surviving.

Official Website ===>>> https://eurl.live/thefinalcollapse

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