Exodus Effect Book PDF
Published: Apr 25, 2024
Exodus Effect Book, a cannabis recipe guide based on the Holy Bible, will teach you how to harness the healing properties of true anointed oils at home. The recipe book is a step by step educational manual which teaches how to mix cannabis with other ingredients to make the true anointed oils. According to the creators of the Exodus Effect, it was the true anointed oils that kept the Israelites healthy when they lost their homeland. The recipe book will show you how to make the original holy anointing oils, according to the Bible. Intriguingly, the true anointed oil made from the recipes contains zero THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the chemical responsible for getting people drunk. Exodus Anointed Oil is said to relieve all body pains and increase a person's resistance against serious diseases. The Exodus Effect is a book of recipes that shows you how to make the original holy anointing oils as described in the Bible. According to Pastor Andrew from divine origins, the creator of the Exodus Effect book, God revealed the recipe himself in Exodus 30, 22. It contained a special component that was lost during translation. The author of this post receives a small affiliate commission for sales made through the links in this article. However, the price remains the same. Click here to visit the official website and find a discounted rate!

Translation from Hebrew into Latin led to an error in the spelling of an essential ingredient for the real holy anointing oils. Exodus 30-22 contains a list that includes several ingredients to be combined in order to create oil with immense health benefits. Fortunately, Pastor Andrew of the divine origins firm was able to find this lost ingredient. He added it to the anointed oils in the proportions prescribed by the Scriptures. The guide allows you to make the divine anointing oils at home using simple ingredients, and without any advanced technology or equipment. The book also offers multiple ways to consume cannabis oil, such as making 'divine espresso'.

Biblical references indicate that the majority of people in the Bible lived hundreds of years. These people benefited from healthy aging by following certain health and diet strategies.

Experts warn unhealthy eating, pollution and unmanaged stress as well as other lifestyle habits can alter the DNA which supports longevity. Today, most people suffer from health issues and only a small number can live to be 100.

Exodus Effect - A digital health guide containing biblical principles for enhancing health and longevity. The author claims using "holy oils" from the Bible to restore health can slow down aging and combat various health issues.

Does the Exodus Effect exist? What's in the guide? How do you make the oil? Do you have to struggle to find the ingredients? Continue reading to learn more about Exodus Effect.

What is the Exodus Effect
The Bible contains several examples of Bible characters using the Holy oil. Biblical evidence indicates that God created the first Herbal Oil. The Exodus Effect, a guide based on religion written by Pastor Andrew in the US. It incorporates a variety of health strategies to restore health.

Pastor Andrew claims that the ancient recipe for Holy Oil was lost in the bible translation. Some of the ingredients have been lost. The oil was so powerful that it allowed the Israelites not to tire in the wilderness. The ointment is also effective in preventing infections and enhancing overall health.

The correct ingredients can be used by anyone to create Holy Oil, according to Pastor Andrew. The natural extract is made from ingredients that are easy to obtain and will not cause any side effects.

Why isn't the Exodus Effect popular?
Pastor Andrew says that holy oil can treat a variety of health problems. Big Pharma, governments and other influential systems oppose the use of healing oil. After discovering holy oil, the religious leader says that some "big" people attempted to destroy his discovery. Pastor Andrew says that the mysterious power fears that profits will drop once people begin using the healing oil. users should purchase the Exodus Effect from their official website, before takes it down.

What is the Exodus Effect all about?
Pastor Andrew has put together a list of wellness techniques, recipes and remedies to improve health and prolong life. All wellness regimens have been scientifically proven, are safe and practical. The author claims thousands of people have benefited from the program. The program can improve a person's physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Here are some topics that you will find in the guide.

Holy Oil Recipe
The Exodus Effect holy oil recipe uses the original ingredients from the bible. Pastor Andrew says that the Bible was wrongly translated and a key ingredient has been lost for hundreds years.

In 333 AD - around the time of the Bible's translation - the life expectancy dropped across the globe. Prior to this, the majority of people lived long and healthy lives for 200-300years. Life expectancy fell to 35 years. The average person can now live to be 80 years old. Holy Oil contains "Cannabis", an extract that supports healthy aging and immunity.

Dr. Benet’s Discovery
Many people claim that certain words and their meanings were lost in the Bible translation. There are words that may have different meanings between Greek and Latin. The scrolls of the originals describe certain herbs that are meant to improve health. Some Exodus Effect supplements are illegal in many parts of the globe.

The Bible and Cannabis
Cannabis is the ingredient that was lost in mistranslation. It was originally referred to as Kanabos. After translation, scholars changed the meaning of it to refer to a different plant with less health benefits.

Numerous studies have shown that marijuana or cannabis can improve health. Most governments do not allow its use because it is misused. The writer of Exodus Effect recommends that cannabis be used to make the original Holy Oil. Christians should still use cannabis for their health, and not to abuse it.

Miraculous Healing Power Of Various Health Problems
Holy oil, like in the Bible can provide various health benefits. Cannabis' primary ingredient may be able to alleviate or eliminate various health issues. Dr. Benet says that cannabis can help fight Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, arthritis, cancer and hypertension.

can be made at home by anyone with the right ingredients. This oil is only marketed for pets and adults.

Can Cannabis Use Change Your Faith?
Pastor Andrew warns Christians that the revelations in The Exodus Effect may shake their faith. Most Christian faiths warn against marijuana use for recreational and clinical purposes. The mistranslated herb " Is Against What Christians believe" was discovered by Pastor Andrew.

Christians can be at a crossroads when it comes to their old beliefs and health issues.

The control issues between left wing elites and the US government
Pastor Andrew warns that his discovery and work are in danger. He claims that influential individuals in the US Government are trying to remove his internet discovery. The US Congress has taken patents on the discoveries. The author says the US government wants to control the new bible-based oil.

The Exodus Effect, a bible-based book, contains a variety of healing methods, recipes and medical discoveries.

Healing Oil from The Exodus Effect
According to the Exodus Effect, the natural ingredients found in holy oil have numerous health benefits. Marijuana is against the principles of most Christians. Marijuana is known to cause mental issues and affect a person's health.

The Exodus Effect, according to Pastor Benet, uses CBD oil of superior quality hemp. The oil does not contain THC and is therefore unlikely to cause euphoric effects. This digital book contains clear instructions for creating THC-free oils at home. The Exodus Effect's key ingredients are:

The EndoCannabinoid System is a collection of cannabinoids in the human body. The Exodus Effect shows how to create natural CBD oil using simple equipment. CBD oil enhances the ECS, which boosts overall wellness. It can combat inflammation, insomnia, pain and anxiety.

Myrrh is mentioned in several Bible verses. It was historically used for leprosy and arthritis. It also helped with indigestion, kidney stones, gout and other illnesses. It is believed to have antioxidants which can improve immunity and cellular health. Myrrh also reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Clinically, Cassia has been shown to lower unhealthy triglycerides. It can increase blood flow by dilation of the arteries. It may also improve the glycemic indices and increase insulin resistance.

Pastor Benet says that cinnamon is good for cellular health. Cinnamon is both a detoxifying food and an antioxidant. The spice is also able to fight oxidative damages and promote cell regeneration.

Cinnamon also acts as a powerful metabolic booster and fat burner. It can boost energy, improve brain health, aid digestion and help with weight management.

Exodus Effect Oil: Benefits
Immunity can be strengthened by consuming certain foods
Healthy inflammation can be enhanced by consuming this product
Blood circulation can be improved by using this product
This may help with joint and muscle pain
Chronic migraines and headaches can be treated with this product
Relaxation and sleep can be promoted by this product
You can reduce the signs of aging by using this product
Pricing and Availability
Exodus Effect, a digital guide is only available via the official website. The digital version is available immediately after payment. Physical copies are delivered to any US state in four working days. The ebook can be read on laptops, tablets, and phones.

This eBook includes other free and low-priced eBooks. The Exodus Effect comes with other low-priced and free eBooks.

Road Healing
Biblical At-Burning Secrets
The Memory Covenant
Exodus Effect eBooks are free and include:

The Divine Pet – This book explains how to use holy oil for your cat or dogs' health. Your pets can live a happy and healthy life.
The guide describes some strategies you can use to support healthy aging and extend your life. Lazarus Effect The Lazarus Effect, according to the author, could extend your life from 5-15 years.
Secret Prayers – The Exodus Effect Healing Oil is enhanced by 33 hidden prayers in the Bible.
Access the Prayer Warrior Network- Community prays for all using the Exodus Effect Healing oil. Pastor Joshua says that a group of Christian believers can strengthen your faith.
Satisfaction Guarantee
Pastor Andrew claims that the Exodus Effect improves physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Each purchase is protected by a one-year guarantee of satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with the bible-based products, then you can ask for a refund up to 365 days from the date of purchase.

The conclusion of the article is:
The Exodus Effect, by Pastor Andrew, is a guide that combines various religious approaches to health and longevity. The book is manufactured by the US-based Company Divine Origins LLC. The author claims holy oil contains an ingredient that was lost in translation. Cannabis and the other ingredients found in Exodus Effect help to fight anxiety, insomnia and pain. Dr. Benet and Pastor Joshua provide detailed instructions on how to make your own anointing oils. Only the official website allows customers to purchase the Exodus Effect.

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