Revival Point Floraspring Reviews - Does Floraspring Ingredients Work?
Published: May 14, 2024
Floraspring, a nutritional product from Revival Point, claims to support metabolism and reduce calorie intake.

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You can purportedly accelerate weight loss and burn fat faster by taking 1 capsule of Revival Point Floraspring every day.

Does Revival Point Floraspring work? Is it just another diet pill that is overhyped? Continue reading to learn everything you need about Floraspring.

What is Floraspring
Floraspring, a weight-loss supplement, is manufactured by Revival Point, LLC. The supplement contains probiotics that boost energy, mood and control body fat. It also reduces waist circumference and reduces calorie absorption.

Floraspring is a probiotic supplement that contains 25 billion colony forming units (CFUs). This information was taken from the official Floraspring website. Each serving contains more than a dozen probiotic strains that support gut health in different ways.

Floraspring can be purchased online via This site features a video created by the Revival Point Team. This video describes the benefits and functions of Floraspring before discounting bottles.

Floraspring bottles are priced between $50 and $60.

Floraspring: How does it work?
The popularity of probiotic supplements has never been higher. Many people take daily probiotic supplements for gut health and weight loss. You may have digestive problems if you are experiencing an imbalance in your gut or lack the proper microbiota. Floraspring supplements replenish and rebalance gut bacteria to support gut health.

Revival Point, LLC's official website describes the benefits of Floraspring in the following way:

"Floraspring is a revolutionary formula of "Super Strains", which revitalizes the beneficial microbes that live in your stomach, and turns the food you consume into the nutrients your body requires."

Floraspring's probiotic bacteria also works in other ways, to provide benefits for your entire body. Revival Point claims that the ingredients in Floraspring fight bad microbes associated with unwanted weight gain and poor digestive health.

Floraspring is said to help with weight loss, digestion issues and improve energy levels. It can also set your body up for weight loss naturally.

Floraspring should be taken in one capsule. According to the official site, you can take up to two capsules daily to increase the effects of the supplement. Revival Point says that Floraspring capsules can "make your gut healthier quicker" and deliver faster results.

Floraspring Probiotic Strains: How do they work?
Floraspring is a probiotic supplement that contains five strains of "Super Strains", including species with unique benefits.

According to Floraspring, each Super Strain is associated with specific health benefits. Revival Point claims that the Super Strains of Floraspring support health in the following ways:

acidophilus: acidophilus is an acidophilus probiotic strain which can reduce waist circumference and control body fat, according to Floraspring's official website.

Fermentum According to the official website, Lactobacillus fermentation can reduce body weight and improve digestion.

RhamnosusLactobacillusrhamnosuscan boost energy and mood. Low energy is often linked to poor digestion. Your body's energy levels are affected when it has to work harder to digest food. Floraspring claims that L. rhamnosus boosts energy and mood.

Gasseri Floraspring contains Lactobacillus sp. Lactobacillus sp. Lactobacillus sp. Lactobacillus sp. Lactobacterillus gasseri. Revival Point claims that this strain has a number of beneficial effects, including reducing visceral fat and fatigue.

Breve Bifidobacterium (B.) breve, which is found in many probiotic supplements and other products, can purportedly reduce calorie absorption. This claim was made by Revival Point. This means that your body will absorb fewer calories when you consume food, making weight loss more effective.

According to the Revival Point official website, "these five Super Strains" in Floraspring work together to purportedly "rejuvenate and improve digestion and weight loss, as well as energy and wellbeing."

Floraspring Ingredients
Revival Point provides the complete list of Floraspring ingredients, including the probiotic strains. The supplement also contains 25 billion colony-forming unit (CFUs), but we do not know the dosage of each probiotic strain.

Ingredients include 25 billion CFUs from a proprietary blend containing:

5 Core Floraspring Strains: Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Fermentum, Lactobacillus Gasseri, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus Amylovorus

Booster Strains: Bifidobacterium Lactis, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Paracasei, Streptococcus Thermophilus, Lactobacillus Salivarius, Bifidobacterium Breve, Bifidobacterium Bifidum, Bifidobacterium Infantis, Bifidobacterium Longum

Floraspring Pricing
Floraspring costs $49.95 a bottle. Discounts are available for multiple orders. shows pricing in this way:

One Bottle: $49.95 plus $6.95 US Shipping
Three Bottles for $129 plus Free US Shipping
6 Bottles for $197 + Free US Shipping
Floraspring Refund Policy
Floraspring is backed by a 90-day refund guarantee. Floraspring offers a 90-day money back guarantee.

Floraspring Refund Policy

To initiate the refund, contact the company.

Floraspring Bonuses
You get a bundle of eBooks for free when you purchase Floraspring via No matter if you buy one bottle or six, you will receive all the bonuses:

Floraspring booster guide: This eBook contains tips, tricks and advice on how to maximize the effect of Floraspring. Floraspring Booster Guide: This eBook contains tips, tricks, and advice to maximize the effects of Floraspring.

Microbe-Boosting Cookbook:This ebook features Dr. Steven Masley's private recipes to increase the number of fat burning microbes in your stomach. Discover easy-to make recipes for snacks, meals, shakes and desserts. You will also find general nutrition advice for your gut. The eBook includes Dr. Masey’s secret recipe for a microbe-boosting banana-split, as well as easy meals such a breakfast skillets or beef stir-fries. Desserts include berry crumbles and chocolate mousse.

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Dr. Masley's Shopping Guide eBook: This eBook contains a list of food items you should purchase on your next grocery trip. These foods can help you lose weight and improve your gut health. You can find these healthy foods in any supermarket, regardless of budget.

Minute-Burn Master Course: Ricky Hunter, fitness expert, explains 1, 5, 7-minute workouts that will jumpstart your metabolism and burn calories quickly. According to reports, you can burn as many calories in just 1-7 minutes as in 45 minutes. The eBook includes a metabolic exercise that you can do before eating to increase fat burn after meals. It also contains a sunrise exercise you can do in the morning to burn more throughout the day.

Healthy gut Cheat sheet: This list lists bad habits and bad products that can damage your gut. Some are surprised that their soaps and cleaning products can negatively affect gut health. The eBook lists gut health problems and then explains simple natural solutions to these problems.

3 Flora Booster Bar Chocolate Bars : Each purchase comes with three dark chocolate bars. Each bar contains natural sweeteners and ingredients that promote gut health. The bars are designed to promote gut health, without harming your microbes and your waistline.

Floraspring: Scientific Evidence
Floraspring, a probiotic product, is advertised primarily as a weight-loss aid. Floraspring is a probiotic supplement that promotes gut health. It's marketed as a weight loss aid.

Probiotic supplements, as explained by the Cleveland Clinic, can aid in weight loss. Weight loss and gut bacteria are being studied more. Some studies indicate that it is difficult to lose fat when your gut bacteria are out of balance. Untreated gut health can lead to indigestion, bloating and other problems.

It's important to remember that supplements are not a magical diet pill. These supplements won't cause weight loss overnight or without diet and exercise. While they can complement a diet and exercise program to help you shed weight, taking them alone is unlikely to result in significant weight loss. Numerous studies have found no difference in weight loss between probiotic supplements and placebos.

Researchers tested probiotic supplements on obese and overweight people in a placebo-controlled, double-blind setting. The researchers gave Lactobacillus strains and Bifidobacterium strains (similar to those in Floraspring), then measured the results. Participants experienced significant loss of weight, a reduction in BMI, and an improvement in cholesterol after taking probiotic supplements. Researchers found that female participants lost weight at a particularly high rate.

The majority of studies used specific strains probiotic bacteria. It's difficult to link specific effects to particular strains. It is difficult to say definitively that Bifidobacterium Breve, can, for example, increase fat burning, or stop calorie absorption among other advertised effects. These benefits need to be verified by large-scale human research.

There is also limited evidence that probiotics can reduce calorie absorption from food. Revival Point has not cited a study that shows that probiotics lead to a reduction of calorie intake in humans.

Probiotics have been proven to improve gut health. Many people consume yogurt, probiotic supplements and similar foods every day to maintain gut health. You can promote weight loss and good health by giving your gut probiotic bacteria. Probiotics do not provide a quick-fix solution to weight loss for most people.

How much weight can you lose with Floraspring?
Floraspring's sales page claims that customers have lost up to 20 pounds.

Floraspring is said to have helped a woman lose 20 pounds. This woman claims to be more curvier, energetic, and slimmer with no food cravings.

Floraspring was used by another woman who claimed to have lost the same amount of weight. She claims that she has lost about 20 pounds in fat, not water.

Floraspring was claimed to be the reason for another customer's 7 pound weight loss in just 2 weeks.'s marketing video claims that a Floraspring user lost 40 lbs after just a few weeks of taking the supplement.

Floraspring is also reported to reduce bloating. Floraspring is also claimed to have reduced the desire for sweets, unhealthy food, and desserts. They no longer crave unhealthy foods.

Floraspring is said to cause weight loss in the first weeks and months after taking it, according to reviews posted on the official site.

Revival Point
Revival Point, LLC, a New York City-based nutritional supplement company, was founded in 2004. The company was created to support customers' energy. Revival Point today offers a variety of natural formulas to support healthy energy levels.

Florazymes and Prebio are also popular Revival Point products.

Revival Point can be contacted via the following contact details:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 800-253-8173
Postal Address: Brooklyn, NY, 11211, 223 Bedford Ave.
Dr. Steven Masley works as a consultant to an endorser for Floraspring. He is not the creator of Floraspring and does not work at Revival Point. Revival Point created Floraspring without Dr. Masley's involvement.

Final Word
Floraspring, a probiotic product, claims to promote gut health on multiple levels. Floraspring is a probiotic supplement that claims to support gut health in multiple ways.

Floraspring capsules contain 25 billion CFUs probiotic bacteria including strains that are linked to weight loss.

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