FoliPrime Reviews - Where To Buy FoliPrime
Published: May 14, 2024
FoliPrime claims to be a supplement for hair growth.

FoliPrime, according to its manufacturer, will regenerate your hair in a matter of weeks. FoliPrime, unlike other hair loss treatments that use minoxidil, uses plant-based ingredients such as black lemon zest to promote your hair's growth.

Is FoliPrime a scam to make you lose your hair? Does FoliPrime actually regrow hair? In our review, we will tell you everything about FoliPrime.

What is FoliPrime
FoliPrime, a topical hair growth serum, uses natural ingredients.

You can supposedly "watch your hair growing back" in a few weeks after applying two to three drops of FoliPrime to your scalp.

FoliPrime targets people who have baldness or receding hairlines. It also addresses pattern baldness and other issues with hair loss. FoliPrime is marketed to people with baldness, receding hairlines, pattern baldness and other hair loss issues. FoliPrime, however, claims that it can target hair loss even without active ingredients.

FoliPrime can only be purchased through for around $69 a bottle. FoliPrime is available in a bottle that contains one month's supply. This allows you to regrow hair in a matter of weeks.

What is FoliPrime?
Some hair loss supplements claim that they will support hair growth in areas where you are not bald.

The site is full of stories about customers who have regrown hair in bald patches, fixed receding hairlines and restored a full hair head after years of baldness.

What is FoliPrime's effect without minoxidil? Natural ingredients can they really regrow hair?

FoliPrime is based on an African tribe's secret remedy. This tribe does not wash their hair and yet has some of the highest-quality hair on the planet.

FoliPrime's creator studied the formula and incorporated similar ingredients. FoliPrime is the only way to buy the Himba hair loss treatment.

The Himba Tribe restored hair loss
FoliPrime's creator, David A. Smith, claims that the Himba tribe in Africa has a low rate of baldness. The majority of Himba tribe members have full, healthy scalps.

The Himba tribe spends a lot of time in the sun. They developed a serum for hair and scalp protection from the sun.

This serum is made up of herbs, plant extracts and other ingredients that create a tribal-style rub.

They rub it on their scalps daily. The serum protects their hair and scalp from sun damage and also supports their health.

The creator of FoliPrime,found that the serum had other benefits. It can help lock in moisture and prevent skin from drying, as well as support hair growth.

FoliPrime was created by a creator who, inspired by the success of Himba tribes in Africa, brought the formula to the West and allows anyone now to support hair growth with the same tribal formula.

FoliPrime Benefits
FoliPrime's manufacturer claims that the formula has three major benefits.

Support for thinning hair
Promote thick and strong hair
Maintain healthy scalp
FoliPrime: How to apply
FoliPrime, a topical liquid serum. The liquid formula is applied to the scalp to help regrow hair. Add 2 to 3 drops of the liquid formula to your palm, and then rub it into your scalp.

FoliPrime is recommended by the manufacturer for use in the following ways:

Add 2 to three drops of serum to your scalp. Or, place 2 to three drops in the palm of your hands.

Apply the liquid serum to your scalp, and the roots of any hairs in the area.

Massage the formula with a circular motion

Allow your hair to absorb the serum before drying it.

FoliPrime Ingredients
All baldness serums claim to promote hair growth. Some baldness serums have ingredients that are backed by science, while others don't. What makes FoliPrime unique? What ingredients are in the formula to regrow hair and how?

FoliPrime contains a number of ingredients that help to promote hair growth, hair health and other benefits.

Lemon Peel Oil:FoliPrime uses black lemon zest oil, also called lemon peel oil, to promote hair growth. This is actually the main ingredient used by African Himba tribes to regrow hair. FoliPrime's lemon peel oil, according to its manufacturer, will " allow you to watch your hair grow". This ingredient, instead of supporting hair growth, can purportedly regrow your hair that you've already lost.

Castor oil: Many serums for hair and scalp use castor as the base. Castor oil is best known for its moisturizing and hydrating properties. Castor oil locks in moisture on your scalp. Moisture plays a crucial role in hair growth and nutrient absorption. Your hair can become weak if it is too dry. Moisturizing your hair is essential for maximum growth.

Curcumin: The plant extract curcumin is found in turmeric. Curcumin is an antioxidant that supports healthy inflammation of the scalp and hair. FoliPrime's turmeric may reduce inflammation by applying it topically. FoliPrime's turmeric may help if inflammation is the cause of your hair loss or hair growth problems.

Niacin One of the two B vitamins in FoliPrime is Niacin. Niacin is used by your body to convert food into energy. Niacin is also essential for your digestive and nervous systems. Niacin, on the other hand, is a key ingredient in FoliPrime for skin health. Applying niacin to your scalp can help support skin health and encourage hair growth.

The second B-vitamin in FoliPrime is biotin. Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 is found in bananas, eggs, and milk. Biotin is essential for the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. FoliPrime's manufacturer added biotin to its formula because of its ability to promote hair growth. Harvard explains that biotin supplements can be marketed as a way to treat hair loss or promote healthy hair. Biotin is most effective if your biotin levels are low. However, it will have little effect on hair growth if the biotin you consume daily is sufficient.

Nettle Stinging: The stinging nettle plant is an extract of natural plants that promotes healthy inflammation, similar to curcumin and turmeric. Natural antioxidants in the plant could help your hair grow and regrow on your scalp. Some studies have linked stinging nettle with hair growth benefits. This could suggest that it is a natural way to treat hair loss or other hair issues.

Cayenne Pepper: FoliPrime contains cayenne pepper extract. Cayenne pepper is a common ingredient in weight loss and diet pills. It contains a natural substance called capsaicin, which has been linked to fat burning, metabolism-boosting effects. Capsaicin, the spicy ingredient in peppers, is made from capsaicin. FoliPrime uses cayenne in a unique way. Studies show that applying cayenne gel to the scalp can stimulate hair growth. In one study, cayenne gel caused inflammation in specific areas of the scalp. This forced your body to send oxygen and blood to this area. Blood and oxygen reaching that area encourages hair to grow. Some people use cayenne to regrow hair lost, while others use the gel to support existing hair growth.

ZINC: The mineral zinc is essential for nerve function and immune function. FoliPrime is a source of zinc. Zinc can help to promote hair growth, especially if zinc is deficient. It is less effective, however, if you are already getting your daily recommended intake of zinc.

Hyaluronic Acid: As one of the most well-known moisturizing compounds in the skin care market, hyaluronic acids absorb hundreds of times their weight in water. This makes it an ideal way to retain moisture and water in your scalp and skin. Applying the hyaluronic acids in FoliPrime daily to your scalp will help it absorb more water, increasing hydration and encouraging hair growth.

The Tea Tree Oil: The Tea tree oil is a popular ingredient in beauty products, such as liquid formulas and serums. Tea tree oil is included in each FoliPrime serving to help lock moisture into the scalp, hair, and skin. Applying tea tree oil daily to your skin will help maintain your hair's health. Tea tree oil may help hair grow in a small way, even though it hasn't been proven to regrow or cure hair loss.

FoliPrime: Scientific Evidence
FoliPrime's makers make bold claims about their formula. The manufacturer claims that the formula will regrow hair lost, promote existing hair growth and improve your scalp and skin. FoliPrime is a hair serum that has been shown to be effective in treating baldness.

The Himba people is a real native tribe in the Namib Desert. Around 50,000 Himba live in northern Namibia. They are known for their distinctive hairstyles: starting at puberty, the boys start growing their hair into a braided plait, and girls begin to grow multiple textures in their hair plaits. Also, they are known for using wood ash to clean their hair. The tribespeople of the Namib Desert have developed alternative methods to clean their hair because there are few natural water resources.

black Turmeric is one of the most important and largest ingredients in FoliPrime. Black turmeric may help to reduce inflammation, relax and have antioxidant effects. It is similar to wood ash, used by Himba tribes. Researchers found that black turmeric has antioxidant and pain-relieving effects in the 2018 study. The makers of FoliPrime mention that study but it does not show any link between black turmeric and hair growth or other effects.

FoliPrime contains Stinging Nettle which is a popular ingredient in hair loss supplements. According to studies, stinging nettle contains beta sitosterol which has been linked with hair growth. The majority of supplements contain stinging nettle as an oral supplement (you take a tablet). The ingredient may also be effective when applied topically.

Other studies link stinging nettle with vasodilating results. Stinging Nettle could increase the size of your blood vessels and make it easier for oxygen and blood to circulate throughout your body. Blood and oxygen are needed to promote hair growth on your scalp. People with poor blood flow have a tendency to grow less hair than those with a healthy blood flow, according to studies. FoliPrime's stinging nettle could indirectly promote hair growth by supporting blood flow.

It may be easy to support hair growth by taking a Zinc supplement. Numerous studies show that people with low zinc levels tend to grow less hair than those who take their recommended daily dose. Researchers found that oral zinc supplements "cured or improved hair loss" in all patients. It's not clear if zinc is effective when applied topically on the skin rather than taken orally.

Some people take b vitamins to promote hair growth. Biotin (vitamin B7) is particularly popular to promote hair growth. Many people are taking biotin daily because of its purported effect on hair. Researchers examined the role vitamins and minerals play in hair loss. Researchers discovered that biotin is linked to hair follicle growth and helps your scalp receive the micronutrients needed to keep growing.

FoliPrime is a combination of vitamins, minerals and herbs that are linked to hair loss. These ingredients may work topically on your scalp in a small way to promote hair growth. There's no proof that the formula can regrow hair, cure baldness or eliminate bald patches in weeks, as claimed on

FoliPrime Ingredients Label
FoliPrime's makers disclose the ingredients of their formula up front. The order in which the ingredients appear on the list tells us the relative concentration. FoliPrime's first three ingredients are purified oil, MCT oil and argan oil. These are among the most popular ingredients for hair and scalp moisturizing on the market.

FoliPrime contains the following ingredients:

Purified water
MCT oil
Argan oil
Tea tree oil
Lemon essential oil
Castor oil
Turmeric oil
Candelilla wax
Stinging nettle leaf Extract
Cayenne pepper fruit extract
Zinc oxide
Hyaluronic Acid
FoliPrime is 60mL per bottle, which is about a 30-day supply.
FoliPrime Pricing
FoliPrime costs $49-$69 per bottle depending on the number of bottles ordered. All prices include shipping to the United States.

FoliPrime is available online for at the following price:

1 Bottle - $69 plus Free Shipping
3 Bottles:$177 plus free shipping
6 Bottles - $294 plus free shipping
Each bottle contains 60-90 drops of liquid formula. To promote hair growth, the manufacturer recommends that you apply 2 to 3 drops directly to your scalp each day.

FoliPrime Policy on Refunds
FoliPrime is backed by a 60-day money back guarantee from the manufacturer.

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, for whatever reason, such as if FoliPrime failed to regrow hair or correct your baldness in a few weeks.

Who made FoliPrime?
FoliPrime, a product of Akron in Ohio, is manufactured by a company. FoliPrime is made in the United States by a company that has FDA registration and cGMP approval. It uses natural ingredients. The company claims that it sources all of its ingredients from local farmers.

FoliPrime can be contacted via the following methods:

Online Support Form:

FoliPrime was created by a partnership between the manufacturer and Mark Peterson, an avid plant enthusiast who is a pharmacist technician. Mark Peterson based his formula off the Himba tribe in southern Africa's Namib Desert. Mark studied their natural remedies for hair loss and brought it to the Internet in the form FoliPrime.

The conclusion of the article is:
FoliPrime, a supplement for hair growth and hair loss treatment, is only available online at

FoliPrime is a combination of herbs, plants, vitamins and minerals that targets hair growth differently.

Visit the official FoliPrime website to learn more about the serum and its workings or to purchase it online, today.

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