Folixine Reviews - Where To Buy Folixine
Published: May 14, 2024
Folixine, a gum that claims to regrow your hair and fix baldness.

Folixine Gummies are a Namibian tradition that has been proven to "reverse" baldness. This is backed up by over 100,000 satisfied customers.

How does Folixine work? How does Folixine work? Continue reading to learn everything you need about Folixine today.

What is Folixine?
Folixine, a supplement for hair growth is available exclusively through .

The Himba tribe ritual was used to develop the supplement. The Himba people of Namibia are known for their long and thick hair. Folixine mimics the nutrients they use in their hair growth ritual, which is performed regularly by Himba people. claims that the supplement can reverse baldness and increase hair density, "even if your hair is as thin as an egg."

Folixine is a product that reverses hair loss by taking two Gummies per day.

What is Folixine?
Minoxidil and Finasteride are the only two FDA-approved treatments for baldness. How does Folixine actually work? Folixine can regrow hair on both men and women.

Folixine's makers describe it as a "super-cocktail" that can "regrow hair at a rate of 2,200 strands/square inch." They claim that "more than 120,000 men, women and children" have grown their hair.

Folixine's makers claim that big pharmaceutical companies suppress cures for hair loss on purpose. The pharmaceutical companies make billions each year off of balding men and women.

Hair loss is a normal condition due to hormones, genetics and lifestyle factors.

Folixine's makers claim that "going bald" is not necessary. By taking Folixine every day, you can prevent going bald and restore your hair. You can also fix a receding bald spot, as well as solve any hair problems you have ever had, according to

Folixine: Benefits and Uses claims that Folixine can provide the following benefits:

Hair that is thicker and fuller
How to get rid of bald patches
Fix the dangerous leak that is the cause of hair fall
Every follicle should produce at least two, three and four hairs per week.
A clinically proven method that works for men and women alike
You will feel more energetic, have a better social life and lose weight.
Folixine, on the other hand, claims to resolve virtually every significant problem that men and women with hairloss face around the globe.

The Folixine Patch Fixes A Dangerous Leak In Your Body
Folixine's makers claim that the cause of hair fall is "a dangerous leak happening inside your body at this very moment."

Over time, this leak can lead to baldness and hair loss.

Folixine's goal is to repair that leak by using the Himba tribespeople's secret. This will allow you to regrow your hair, fix any bald patches, and have thicker, longer hair in just a few weeks.

Folixine is said to provide benefits such as:

Force out the lactic acids that have accumulated on your scalp and boost hair growth.
Restore hair growth in balding areas by repairing the damage to your scalp.
Your body is forced to sweat out growth nutrients due to a blockage in your sweat glands.
Restart the growth of hair cells by regulating lactic acid levels in sweat
Since years or even decades, these blockages are responsible for baldness. Over time, the body becomes less able to fight these blockages. Folixine is a product that gives your body an advantage by repairing scalp damage and boosting hair growth.

Who Created Folixine?
Folixine is the creation of a man by the name of John Linkletter. John Linkletter graduated from the UConn School of Medicine.

John began to bald when he was 19. John has worked with many doctors over the years. He has treated hair and scalp conditions. He has treated patients for alopecia, male pattern hair loss, AGA and telogen effluvium.

John claims that he also contributed to the development and FDA approval of finasteride - one of two FDA approved treatments for hair loss.

John, despite 35 years of treating hair loss and scalp issues, was still unable solve his baldness issue - until he went to Namibia.

John and his family visited an isolated tribe of Himbas during a Namibian trip. The Himba people perform a sacred ceremony for hair growth called " Saqqaramaba."

Himba tribespeople are known for their thick, black, and long hair, despite never using shampoos, conditioners or other hair products.

According to rumours, wealthy people from all over the world visit the Himba tribespeople in order to undergo this hair-growth ritual and regrow hair. John claims that the Saqqaramaba treatment works for "9 out 10" of the people who receive it.

John, to cut a long tale short, discovered the plants and herbal mixtures used in the Saqqaramaba Ceremony. He brought the ingredients back to the United States and tested them on his own. His baldness was quickly cured.

What to expect when taking Folixine
John first tested Folixine before selling it to others. He used the exact ingredients and dosages from the Saqqaramaba Ritual on himself in the United States.

What happened next?

John recorded all the plants and herbs used by Himba tribe peoples in the Saqqaramaba ceremony

He made his own cocktail at home using the ingredients he brought with him.

John did not notice any differences for the first couple of days. However, he reported feeling stronger than normal.

After "just a few days," noticed that his "bald crown" was "filled with hair."

John says he saw "hundreds" of new hairs covering his balding head for the first decade.

John began to notice that "more hair appeared on his scalp" and that he was losing less and less.

John felt a new person after he had a head that was "filled with thick, strong hair."

John was motivated by his success to replicate the cocktail, and then share it with the rest of the world as Folixine.

John worked with Dr. Krausz to develop and refine the formula before releasing it to the public.

Step-by-Step Guide to Folixine
Folixine is a four-step system, according to 's official website. Each gummy contains potent nutrients that your body absorbs, which then stimulates the growth of new hair.

Folixine is a new way to interact with the Internet.

Step 1: Your body absorbs all 12 ingredients of each Folixine Gummy. Folixine absorbs them first. These ingredients fix hair loss in a variety of ways. Some ingredients fix blockages inside your sweat glands, forcing your body's elimination of growth nutrients via sweat. Other components regulate the levels of lactic acid in your sweat, which restarts cellular growth.

Step 2: Folixine Removes Scalp Blockages, and Starts to Heal Area: Folixine then prepares the scalp for future hair growth by repairing the damage. Folixine must first remove scalp blockages which are the cause of hair loss. Folixine's combination of vitamins C and A boost hair growth and force out lactic acids. This step strengthens your hair roots to ensure optimal growth.

Folixine Restores Your Hair Cycle to Normal: Folixine then starts to regrow your hair. Folixine, for instance, contains vitamin D3 to treat sweaty scalp issues that cause baldness. Biotin is also included to boost hair growth and restore keratin. The combination of vitamin E, sodium, potassium, iodine and folate will help to "boost your hair growth" on bald patches.

Create a Natural Defense to Protect Yourself from Hair Loss. Folixine is designed to protect you against hair loss, revitalize your body and help you see a long-term difference in balding and thinning areas. Folixine helps to eliminate bad cholesterol in your bloodstream. It also makes it easier for you to lose weight and reduces stress.

Folixine Ingredients
Folixine is a mixture of herbs, plants, vitamins, minerals and nutrients that regrows hair. Some of these plants are used by the Himba tribespeople in Namibia as part of a ritual. Some of these herbs come from traditional medicine.

Folixine is a proprietary blend consisting of 12 ingredients. The majority of these are vitamins and mineral backed up by extensive research.

Folixine contains active ingredients such as:

Vitamin d3: Called the "star ingredient" in Folixine vitamin D3 fights baldness and excessive sweating by reducing it. A sweaty head is one of the most common symptoms of vitamin D3 deficiencies. Sweating makes it harder for hair to regrow. says that many balding men have shiny hair. Folixine, which contains vitamin D3, can purportedly assist with this. It works to regrow hair while reducing lactic acid.

A B vitamin, Biotin. Biotin has been proven to have a positive effect on keratin, and is therefore found in almost every hair and nail product. The manufacturers of Folixine say that their biotin is derived from "rare algal species found in the Indian Ocean." They claim biotin helps restore keratin in hair damaged by lactic acids.

Other vitamins & minerals: In addition to vitamin E and B6, Folixine contains sodium, iodine and folate. These vitamins and mineral work in different ways, but they all have the same goal: to boost hair growth and length on bald patches.

Amino acids: The Folixine product contains amino acid to promote hair growth. Amino acid can help to distribute blood and oxygen to your scalp. This will stimulate hair growth.

African Marula Tree Extraction: The ingredients of Folixine come from the African Marula Tree, the same tree that is used by the Himba tribes to grow their hair. The tree, also known as Sclerocarya birrea is high in iron, calcium and potassium, amino acids, vitamin E, vitamin b3, vitamin B3, calcium, and vitamin B3. The formula of Folixine is inspired by African Marula trees, even though the extract does not appear in the product.

Folixine: Scientific Evidence
John says he has conducted numerous tests to confirm that Folixine works as advertised in treating baldness and regrowing hair on bald patches. It also helps anyone grow thicker, longer and thicker hair.

John first tested the formula himself. After taking the formula for a few weeks, John's balding head was covered with tiny hairs. Within a few weeks of taking the formula, his bald head was covered in tiny hairs.

John was motivated by his success to gather 120 volunteers for a formal trial. What happened?

John and Dr. Krausz gathered 120 volunteers

Some volunteers had been balding for years, while others were just beginning to notice the problem.

John and Dr. Krausz asked that each volunteer take Folixine every day

The volunteers' phones started "ringing" like crazy soon after the test began. They were extolling its virtues. has before and after pictures of people who have regrown their hair and cured their baldness after taking Folixine . reports that "100%" of participants increased hair density and reduced bald spots after using Folixine.

John and Dr. Krausz, despite the fact that their study was one of the most successful in history, have refused to publish it in a peer reviewed journal. They also refuse to disclose any further details online.

Folixine's makers describe Vitamin D, as "the star ingredient" of the formula. Vitamin D is best obtained from sunlight, but some people also take supplements or eat foods fortified in vitamin D. Studies have linked vitamin D to hair loss. Researchers found in the 2021 study that vitamin D is involved in hair growth and hair signaling pathways. Researchers found that vitamin D deficiency is linked to hair loss. It's possible that if you don't get enough vitamin D it can affect your hair growth.

Folixine is also a B-vitamin that contains Biotin. According to a 2017 study biotin has been linked to clinical improvements in hair and nail development. Researchers examined dozens of biotin clinical trials and found that it was effective for brittle nails syndrome, hair problems, and overall hair growth.

Folixine's ingredients have been shown to support hair growth and strengthen your existing. Folixine does not contain enough active ingredients to reverse baldness or increase hair growth.

Folixine Pricing
Folixine costs between $49 and $69 per bottle. Each bottle contains 30 gummies, or a 30-day supply. Take one gummy a day to regrow your hair, correct baldness and increase hair thickness and growth. is the only place where you can order Folixine. It's available at these prices:

One bottle (30-day supply): $69 plus $9.95 shipping
Three bottles (90-day supply): $177 plus free US shipping
6 bottles (180-day supply): $294 plus free US shipping
Folixine Refund Policy
Folixine offers a 60-day money back guarantee.

You are entitled to a full refund if Folixine does not work on your baldness. The manufacturer suggests requesting a return even if Folixine did fix your bald patches, but that you weren't satisfied with the growth.

Folixine, a FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility, is manufactured in the United States. The manufacturer claims that they use strict and precise conditions.

John Linkletter is a doctor with 35 years' experience in treating scalp and hair problems. John Linkletter developed the formula with Dr. Krausz, a colleague.

Folixine's makers and customer service can be reached via the following methods:

Email: [email protected]
Final Word
Folixine, a hair loss product, is targeted at men and women looking to stop hair loss, reverse baldness and regrow their hair with natural ingredients.

Folixine, a product based on a traditional Namibian recipe, claims to be able to restore hair growth in just a few weeks. It also has zero side effects with a 100% success.

Visit to learn more about Folixine, how it works or buy the gummy today. All purchases are covered by a 60-day guarantee.

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