Fungus Elixir Reviews - Where To Buy Fungus Elixir
Published: May 14, 2024
Fungus Elixir, a nutritional product designed to eliminate toenail fungal infections using 25 superfoods.

You can purportedly eliminate fungus by taking two capsules per day of Elixir.

Does Fungus Elixir work? How does Fungus Elixir Work? In our review, you will find all the information about Fungus Elixir that you need.

What is Fungus Elixir?
Fungus Elixir, a supplement for toenail fungus and foot fungus, is only available online at

Fungus Elixir is a mixture of herbs, plants and vitamins, minerals and other ingredients that can purportly eliminate fungus without side effects, doctor's visits, surgery or prescription medications.

Fungus Elixir was developed by the makers of the product using a "sacred formulation" in the world of natural medicines. According to the manufacturer, today anyone can use this sacred formula to eliminate foot and toenail fungal infections forever.

Fungus Elixir can be purchased exclusively through for $49-$69 per bottle. Qualify purchases get three eBooks as bonuses, plus free shipping and other perks.

How Does Fungus Elixir work?
The Fungus Elixir is a mixture of 25 different ingredients that are designed to attack foot and toenail fungal infections in various ways. Vitamins, minerals, plants, herbs and other ingredients are included in the formula. Some ingredients include superfood extracts of fruits and vegetables, spices, amino acid, mushroom extracts and more.

Fungus Elixir is a purported "sacred formula" that will help you get rid of toenail fungal infections permanently.

Fungus Elixir targets underlying factors that are linked to toenail fungal infections, such as immune dysfunction and inflammation. Fungus Elixir claims that it can clear even the most severe toenail fungal infections by targeting the root causes.

Who created Fungus Elixir?
The Fungus Elixir product was developed by a woman who suffered from toenail fungal infections so badly that she almost died. Karen Holly used Fungus Elixir permanently to eradicate her severe toenail fungal infection.

Karen was fighting for her own life in an hospital bed, 1.5 years ago. Her toenail infection had led to serious health problems throughout her entire body. Karen was on her way to becoming another statistic. Nearly 1.7 million people per year die from toenail fungal infections, and Karen was almost one of them.

Karen's toenail infection started out as a regular issue. She washed her nails and feet regularly, and got pedicures occasionally. But over time her feet began to turn yellow. Karen explained how the problem developed:

"I wash and trim my nails and feet regularly." Every month I get a pedicure. I am the best at taking care of my feet...Yet, one of my toenails turned yellow ."

Karen went to her doctor who prescribed Lamisil for the treatment of toenail fungus. Karen suffered severe side effects, including blurred vision. Karen tried other drugs but they didn't work.

Karen's blurry eyesight got worse over time. Karen became blind due to a combination of side effects from the drug and toenail infection.

Karen's toenail infection eventually spread to her lower leg and doctors informed her that they would need to amputate her leg. Karen was hospitalized shortly after for a severe respiratory condition that was linked to the toenail infection.

Karen and her family, however, decided to fight back. They researched natural remedies for toenail fungal infections instead of immediately amputating their foot.

"My wife Dale refused to give up ....He told us we had 3 weeks left before the amputation ....I will figure out something ..."

In a nutshell, Dale came across a Japanese study that discussed the benefits of "Kampo", i.e., the treatment for foot fungus. Based on this treatment, they developed Fungus Elixir and Karen's condition improved quickly.

Karen's foot fungus was treated with Fungus Elixir
Karen Holly, creator of Fungus Elixir developed her formula on the traditional Japanese Kampo Treatment. Fungus Elixir was created in partnership with a Japanese miracle worker.

Karen treated her severe toenail infection with the recipe before releasing Fungus Elixir. Karen's toenail infection was so severe that she faced amputation of her leg in less than 3 weeks. She was also virtually blind. Fungus Elixir helped her to improve rapidly within a few weeks. Karen's toenail infection was permanently eradicated 1.5 years after she first started taking Fungus Elixir. She now has her both legs and perfect vision.

What happened to Karen after she started taking the Japanese remedy which eventually became Fungus Elixir?

Karen took a sip of the steaming tea that was given to her by a Japanese healer. The tea was so bitter that she could hardly swallow it.

Karen's blindness began to fade within two minutes after drinking the tea. She could now see her husband again. She did not have 20/20 sight, but was able to walk safely by herself.

Karen's eyesight "started to completely clear" over the next few days.

Karen was able to avoid having to amputate either her leg or her life after taking the tea every day.

Karen is still fungus free, just 1.5 years after her doctors said she would have to amputate the leg. Fungus Elixir has helped her.

Karen, who had one of the worst fungal infections that could be contracted, was able to permanently cure her condition by using the Fungus Elixir recipe.

Karen was motivated by her success and asked the Japanese healer to share his recipe. The Fungus Elixir was formulated with eight of the original ingredients plus three additional ingredients. Anyone can purchase the formula online today to get similar fungus-clearing benefits.

Fungus Elixir Ingredients
Fungus Elixir is a product developed using five ingredients originally recommended by a Japanese healer. The Japanese healer advised Karen to drink a tea containing five ingredients in order to eliminate her toenail fungal infection.

Karen and her team have added three more Japanese-inspired ingredients in order to increase the formula's fungus-eradicating abilities. These three ingredients include shiitake extracts and maitake, reishi and shiitake mushroom extracts. They call this a "fungal nuking trifecta" that eliminates the infection.

What are the main ingredients of Fungus Elixir?

Mushroom extracts: fungus elixir contains three mushroom extracts including maitake, Shiitake and Reishi extracts. These mushroom extracts are "fungal nuking". These extracts starve the infection out by soaking up sugar that enters your body and flushing it before it can harm your health. The Fungus Elixir contains beta-glucans which are active components in other types mushrooms that have been linked to wellness and health. Karen Holly cites that this trio of mushroom extracts stimulates immune health.

Vitamins E & C: The Fungus Elixir is rich in vitamins E and C, the best antioxidants nature has to offer. These antioxidants promote healthy inflammation in the body. These vitamins are abundant in fruits and veggies, which is why diets high in fruits and veggies are so popular. Fungus Elixir provides 50% of the daily value of vitamin C, and 100% of the daily value of vitamin E per serving.

Graviola Powder: Graviola leaf powder is the largest component in Fungus Elixir by weight. Graviola has been used in traditional medicine since centuries. It is rich in antioxidants that could support immunity and detoxification.

Raspberry Powder: The Fungus Elixir is rich in vitamin C, and contains other antioxidants. You can eat handfuls or raspberries every day. You could also take one serving of Fungus Elixir.

Tea: Many people drink green tea every day for its health benefits, including inflammation and immunity. Green tea extract is one of the main ingredients in Fungus Elixir and could provide your body with the anti-inflammatory benefits it needs to maintain health and wellness.

Curcumin: The health benefits of turmeric have made it a popular spice in the past decade. Turmeric is a spice that contains curcumin, an active chemical linked to antitoxin and anti-inflammatory properties. Fungus Elixir is made with 100mg turmeric rhizome.

Other plants, herbs, and spices: Fungus Elixir also contains small doses of pine bark, grape seed extracts, quercetins, lycopenes, garlic, cat claw bark powders, beta-glucans arabinogalactans, olive leaf extracts and other ingredients.

Fungus Elixir versus Prescription Drugs and Doctor-Recommended Treatments
Fungus Elixir is advertised as an alternative to prescription drugs, doctor-recommended treatments and fungus treatment.

Your doctor may prescribe prescription drugs, surgery, or other treatments to treat your foot fungus. Fungus Elixir's makers claim that a simple oral remedy is enough to permanently clear an infection.

According to the manufacturer, Fungus Elixir offers some advantages over other treatments for toenail fungal infections.

You cannot ignore toenail fungal infections, whether you use Fungus Elixir (or other treatments recommended by your doctor). It won't disappear on its own. Over time, it can cause septicemia and even be fatal.

According to Fungus Elixir, the cost of a standard toenail fungal treatment is $1,800.

Fungus Elixir's makers also advise against conventional toenail medications like Lamisil and Sporanox due to their side effects.

According to Fungus Elixir's makers, the side effects from toenail treatments "will keep you in hospital for months and will cost you tens or thousands of dollars." Insurance may not cover these costs.

The drugs that treat toenail fungus do not prevent future outbreaks.

Fungus Elixir, on the other hand, is "100% safe and natural" according to its manufacturer. It will save you money, time and improve your health and immunity, by acting as an all-natural solution for toenail fungal infections.

Fungus Elixir's makers appear to be recommending their formula as an alternative to doctor-recommended treatments and doctor prescribed treatments for toenail fungal infections.

Fungus Elixir: Scientific Evidence
Fungus Elixir's makers cite dozens studies that prove the ingredients are effective. Karen and her team claim that they have also "tested it on tens of thousands of people", making Fungus Elixir the world's most tested toenail-fungus supplement. Below, we'll examine some of the scientific evidence that supports Fungus Elixir.

The majority of studies on natural remedies for toenail fungal infections have used topical treatments, not oral supplements. According to some studies, applying mineral creams or essential oils on your toenails can help clear up toenail fungal infections.

Researchers found that nail oil containing vitamin E, oregano and lime was a safe, effective and natural treatment for toenail fungal infection. This study was conducted in 2020. Fungus Elixir includes one of these ingredients (vitamin e), but there is little evidence that vitamin E taken orally will clear an external toenail infection.

Researchers analyzed several herbal remedies to treat toenail fungal infections in a similar study. Researchers identified 56 studies that involved 12,501 participants who had mild to moderate infections of onychomycosis. Researchers discovered that the best evidence-based treatments for toenail fungal infections were Efinaconazole topical solution 10%, Tavaborole topical solution 5%, and Cyclopirox 8% Hydrolacquer.

In one study, researchers tested the effect of Turmeric against toenail fungal growth. Researchers in the 2019 study assessed the antifungal effect of an alcoholic turmeric extract at concentrations of 1:20. 1:40 and 1:80. Researchers found that all four dilutions led to a "complete inhibition" of the growth of toenail fungal.

Fungus Elixir contains many ingredients that are scientifically proven to work on your toenail infection when applied topically. There is little proof that they work when taken internally. While applying herbs, minerals, and vitamins directly to your toenail can help eliminate the problem, there is little evidence that an oral supplement will completely eradicate the infection.

Label for Fungus Elixir Supplemental Facts
Fungus Elixir's makers publish the complete list of ingredients, dosages and the 25 Superfoods in the formula.

According to the Supplement Facts Label, here are the ingredients that make up Fungus Elixir:

Graviola Leaf Powder 300mg
Raspberry Fruit Powder 200mg
200mg green tea leaf powder (40%)
100mg turmeric
100mg beta-glucan powder
100mg pine bark extract
100mg grape seed extract
100mg herbal complex consisting of rhubarb powder, burdock powder, sheep sorrel aerial part powder and slippery elm powder.
80mg mushroom complex with shiitake mushroom, maitake mushroom, and reishi extract
50mg olive leaf extract (50% Concentration)
Quercetin 50mg
50mg pomegranate (40% Concentration)
30mg vitamin C (50%DV)
30 IU vitamin E (100% of DV).
20mcg selenium (29% DV).
20mg cat's claw powder
20mg of garlic powder
Panax ginseng root powder 20mg
20mg arabinogalactan
2mg of Lycopene (10% Concentration)
Other ingredients (inactive), including bovine gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose (to create the capsule), vegetable magnesium stearate and vegetable stearic acids
Fungus Elixir reviews: what do customers say?
Fungus Elixir has received many positive online reviews. Many customers claim to have eliminated severe toenail fungal problems in just a few days after using Fungus Elixir.

Fungus Elixir makers have shared some reviews, testimonials and experiences online.

Fungus Elixir was "like divine intervention" to one customer for her toenail problem. After taking Fungus Elixir, her doctor confirmed that "nearly the entire fungus on [her] body has disappeared".

Fungus Elixir is described as "truly amazing", by a customer, for its "quick and efficient results". This man intends to use Fungus Elixir daily for the rest his life to "make sure it doesn't come back".

Fungus Elixir is shown to be effective in removing fungus from people's nails. Fungus Elixir has helped many customers with broken, infected, or destroyed nails, as well as other serious issues.

The Fungus Elixir team is also praised by customers for their professionalism and ease of contact.

Fungus Elixir Pricing
Fungus Elixir costs $49-$69 per bottle depending on how many bottles you purchase. All purchases are eligible for a promotion in 2022 that includes three free eBooks. All 3 and 6 bottle orders come with free shipping.

You can now order Fungus Elixir on the website.

1 Bottle: $69 + $9.95 Shipping + 3 Free Bonuses
3 Bottles: $177 + Free Shipping + 3 Free Bonuses
6 Bottles: $294 + Free Shipping + 3 Free Bonuses
Fungus Elixir is available in 30 day supplies, which is equivalent to 30 servings of Fungus Elixir (60 capsules). Take two capsules per day to get rid of toenail fungal infections.

Fungus Elixir Bonuses Included
As part of the 2022 promotion, all Fungus Elixir purchases come with three bonus eBooks. After your purchase has been confirmed, you will have immediate access to the bonus eBooks.

Bonus eBooks: These eBooks complement Fungus Elixir's effects and include the following:

Bonus Book #1: Simple Fixes for Foot Odor: People with toenail and foot fungus issues also suffer from foot odor problems. This eBook will help you to find simple solutions to foot odor. It includes strategies, tips, and changes that you can make to keep your feet fresh. Foot odor is an embarrassing problem that can make it hard to wear barefoot. This eBook will help you revitalize your skin, and make your feet feel more alive.

Bonus Book #2: The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook Your body requires vitamins and minerals to perform vital bodily functions. Some vitamins and minerals have a greater importance than others. This eBook will help you discover the best vitamins and minerals to use for foot fungus and detoxification. Minerals are described by the author as "the gas that makes your body work."

Bonus Book #3: Lazyman's One-Day Detox: The third bonus book contains proven detoxification techniques that you can use as early as today to eliminate toxins, lose weight and fight a fungal infections.

Fungus Elixir Refund Policy
Fungus Elixir comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. You can ask for a full refund within 60days of the purchase date.

This refund is only applicable to new, unused items with all original tags, seals and labels. The cost of return shipping must be paid by you, and the original shipping charges are deducted.

Returns address: ShipOffers 6505 E 35th Dr #100 Aurora, CO 80011 USA

About Fungus Elixir
Karen Holly developed Fungus Elixir. Karen Holly developed Fungus Elixir after using a Japanese remedy to treat a serious toenail infection. Karen was told by her doctors that she would have to amputate her foot due to toenail fungal infection. However, Fungus Elixir completely cleared her infection within weeks.

Karen Holly has partnered with a supplement company based in Newport Beach, California to distribute her formula throughout the United States. The company manufactures its supplement in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered facility in the United States.

Contact the Fungus Elixir makers and customer service via the following methods:

Email: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
Online Form:
Registered address: Winarrow Limited 5000 Birch Street Newport Beach, CA
The customer service team at Fungus Elixir is available between 5am and 9pm. says that "Karen Holly", is a pseudonym.

Final Word
Fungus Elixir, a foot and toenail fungus treatment supplement, uses 25 superfoods in order to eliminate the fungus.

Fungus Elixir, based on an ancient Japanese remedy claims to be able to remove toenail fungal infections without any side effects. According to Fungus Elixir's makers, instead of spending thousands on treatments, drugs and clinical procedures, taking just two capsules per day of Fungus Elixir will provide similar results.

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