Glucodyn Reviews - Does Glucodyn Ingredients Work?
Published: Jun 19, 2024
Glucodyn is a supplement for diabetes that is claimed to fix type 2 diabetes and regulate glucose levels.

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Glucodyn is a daily supplement that can lower your blood sugar levels, reduce the symptoms of diabetes type 2, and even reverse the worst cases of the condition.

Glucodyn is it a scam or a real diabetes supplement? Glucodyn can it really help diabetics or is it a scam? Continue reading our Glucodyn review to learn everything you need about the product.

What is Glucodyn?
Glucodyn, a popular supplement for diabetes and blood sugar levels is available exclusively through

Glucodyn, priced at $69 per a bottle, uses natural ingredients to support healthy levels of blood sugar in multiple ways.

Thomas Clark created the supplement. Thomas Clark watched as his wife battled a severe type 2 diabetes. Her glucose level was 635. The prescription medication didn't help. Thomas's wife almost died in hospital due to her elevated glucose levels.

Thomas began researching natural remedies for diabetes to help his wife, without having to rely on doctors or big pharmaceutical companies. Thomas found a natural and 100% effective way to bring his wife's sugar levels back to normal. Thomas's spouse lowered her A1C and glucose levels after taking Glucodyn. She also dropped her BMI.

Thomas shares Glucodyn to spread the word about its benefits to people with type 2 diabetics.

What is Glucodyn?
Thomas Clark, the founder of Glucodyn and his team believe that doctors and large pharmaceutical companies are treating type 2 diabetes in an incorrect manner.

Thomas Clark says type 2 diabetes is not caused by your eating habits or your exercise.

It has nothing to with your weight, your genetics, or any other excuse that they will come up with. It has nothing to do with poor eating habits ..."

Thomas Clark says that type 2 diabetes can be caused by a parasite which enters your body with your first meal.

This silent parasite attacks your digestive system and pancreas, causing it to malfunction. This parasite can mess up your internal organs, making you feel as if your body is turning against you.

Glucodyn contains natural ingredients that are supposed to stop this silent parasite. Thomas calls Glucodyn "the key to unlocking perfect, healthy, and steady blood glucose levels", regardless of whether or not you are pre-diabetic.

Thomas Clark
Thomas Clark, the man who invented Glucodyn, is better understood when you understand how the supplement works.

Thomas Clark, 61, is a retired security agent. He lives in Shreveport with his wife Maria.

Maria had a severe form of type 2 diabetic. She suffered from extreme fatigue, weight gain and unstable blood sugar.

Doctors prescribed metformin to treat Maria's type-2 diabetes and instructed her to adhere a strict diet.

Maria's diabetes worsened because she was unable to adhere to the doctor’s meal plan.

Maria, Thomas's wife, began to vomit blood before falling into a diabetic coma
Maria ignored her doctor's advice and continued to eat what she wanted. Maria had a burger at a restaurant and lemonade one night. She began to have severe symptoms such as burning stomach pains, delirium and blood vomiting.

Maria went into a diabetic stupor shortly after experiencing the symptoms:

"I rushed upstairs in horror to find my wife delirious and vomiting blood...I rushed her to the hospital...unconscious and barely breathing."

Maria's level of blood sugar was 631. Thomas was told by doctors that this was the worst case of high sugar they'd ever seen. Maria was not expected to survive the night.

Thomas has dedicated his life to discovering natural cures for diabetics.

Thomas's search brought him to the church of a priest, who was formerly a doctor. Thomas was told by the doctor-turned-priest that he had previously treated celebrities, heads-of-state, and businessmen. He stopped treating his patients because of the controversy surrounding his treatment.

The doctor explained to Thomas that a blend of natural ingredients was being used to attack Maria's bacteria in the gut to reverse type 2 diabetes. Maria began taking the natural ingredients, which quickly relieved her condition.

Glucodyn Significantly Reduced Maria's Blood Glucose
Thomas' doctor, who created Glucodyn with him, claims that he has tested more than 400 herbal and plant formulas. The doctor who helped Thomas create Glucodyn claims to have tested over 400 herb and plant formulas on his patients.

Thomas was excited to give Glucodyn his wife and told her to take a serving of the formula recommended by the doctor every day. What happened next?

Maria took one capsule daily of the formula prescribed by her doctor for two weeks

Maria's blood sugar levels were consistently 195 following each meal during the first few weeks of taking Glucodyn.

Maria's blood sugar levels were still within the pre-diabetic level, but it was an improvement over the 400+ they had been used to seeing even after small meals.

Maria felt more energetic and no longer dizzy when she ate during the first few weeks of taking Glucodyn.

Glucodyn improves Maria's vision

Maria lost up to 20 pounds.

Maria's blood sugar was 119 when she checked it one day.

Thomas says that Glucodyn has reversed his wife’s type 2 diabetes.

Thomas, on the other hand, was able reverse Maria's Type 2 Diabetes by consuming natural ingredients. He ignored Maria's doctor's medical advice and prescribed medication.

What is Glucodyn?
Glucodyn reverses type 2 diabetes in stages. The supplement begins by targeting gut bacteria.

According to Thomas' doctor, who helped him create Glucodyn, people with type-2 diabetes do not actually have the disease. Instead, their bacteria in the gut has type-2 diabetes and causes symptoms. This is a crucial distinction.

How Glucodyn Works

Step 1: Glucodyn replenishes good bacteria in your gut and flushes out the toxic Candida
Glucodyn makers claim that diabetes is not caused by diet and exercise, but by toxic candida which spreads throughout your gut flora. This inhibits its function, causing symptoms of diabetes.

Glucodyn is designed to combat this toxic Candida using Lactobacillus Acidophilus, a strain of probiotic bacteria. L. acidophilus, a bacteria commonly found in probiotic supplements and linked to gut health, is beneficial.

Glucodyn's makers claim that the L. acidophilus ingredient "supports significant blood sugar reductions without changing your diet." It also stimulates your body to produce antibodies and fight candida.

Step 2) Glucodyn lowers your blood sugar regardless of what you eat
Glucodyn says that "your blood glucose will lower dramatically" in the second step. This happens after Glucodyn removes the toxic candida.

After Glucodyn lowers your blood sugar you can continue eating whatever you want. Glucodyn's makers claim that your blood sugar level will stay balanced no matter what you consume.

Glucodyn relies on two ingredients in order to provide these benefits. These are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casi. These two ingredients, like L. acidophilus previously, are probiotic strains that have been linked to gut wellness and health. Glucodyn's makers claim that they have combined both probiotic strains to achieve maximum detoxification.

According to Glucodyn's makers, the L. rhamnosus, L. casi, and L. rhamnosus in Glucodyn improve insulin sensitivity and reduce oxidative stresses, as well as improve glycemic management and remove toxic substances from your GI system.

Step 3: Your body regains the ability to regulate its own blood sugar reports that many users were able to discontinue their prescription diabetes medications after using Glucodyn. Glucodyn's makers claim that they conducted a clinical study in which 100% of participants lowered blood sugar by a minimum 46%.

Glucodyn, in its third and penultimate phase, can supposedly give your body the ability regulate blood sugar. After Glucodyn has cleaned your gut of toxic candida, your body will be able to restore normal function.

Glucodyn also uses Bifidobacterium Longum and Bifidobacterium Breve to help with this process. These ingredients, like the other probiotics found in Glucodyn are also commonly found in probiotic supplements. They are known to balance gut health.

Glucodyn's makers describe B. longum as a "glucose-regulating ingredient." It can also help you lose toxic body fat, and protect against metabolic diseases. claims that by taking these two strains of probiotics daily you can regain "your perfect level of blood sugar 120" and maintain it until old age.

Step 4) You melt fat and protect yourself against metabolic disease
After you have defeated candida and Glucodyn lowered your blood sugar, it begins to remove toxic fat from your body. It also helps to protect against metabolic diseases.

Glucodyn's makers added MCT oil to achieve this benefit. MCT Oil, a healthy fat, is linked to weight loss as well as energy. These benefits are why many people use MCT oil every day.

According to, the MCT oil found in Glucodyn is also beneficial for skin and hair, immune system, dental health and eye health, as well as brain function and toenail fungal infections.

Glucodyn Ingredients
Glucodyn contains MCT oil and is a probiotic. The majority of active ingredients are probiotics that support gut health.

Glucodyn's makers insist that diabetes is not caused by genetics, poor diet, or lack exercise, but rather a candida overgrowth. Glucodyn's active ingredients target this toxic overgrowth by different means, helping to restore your gut function.

Ingredients include:

MCT OIL: Glucodyn is made with MCT oil. This oil is made from medium-chain triglycerides and can be used to help manage weight. MCT oil is taken by many people to boost their metabolic rate.

Probiotic Bifidobacterium: The probiotic B. Longum has been linked to detoxification, health and wellness. According to B. longum can help cleanse toxins out of your gut and boost healthy bacteria.

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Bifidobacterium breve: B. Breve is a probiotic strain that helps to cleanse toxic substances out of your gut, and supports good gut bacteria.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus: According to, L. rhamnosus improves insulin sensitivity, free fatty acid levels, reduces oxidative stress and improves glycemic management in diabetics.

Lactobacillus casei: Glucodyn is a probiotic that contains L.casei, which reduces inflammation and helps the digestive system. It also reduces IBS symptoms.

Lactobacillus acidophilus: L. Acidophilus is one of the most well-known and popular probiotic strains today. It can help your body detoxify and cleanse itself by inhibiting populations of Candida in your gut.

Bacillus Subtilis Glucodyn is a probiotic called Bacillus Subtilis. It is only harvested in Indonesia once a year, during the spring Equinox.

The active ingredients of Glucodyn work together to target toxic substances that can poison your gut, worsening diabetes symptoms.

Glucodyn Scientific Evidence
Glucodyn is not yet in clinical trials that would verify its ability to lower blood glucose as advertised. The company does cite various scientific studies to support its claims. Below, we'll examine some scientific evidence to determine if Glucodyn actually works.

Glucodyn's makers claim that more than 100,000 people have tested Glucodyn. This would make Glucodyn the best-selling diabetes supplement in the world. These people have all left positive comments on praising its ability to reduce blood sugar and help with weight loss.

Thomas has in fact claimed to have run a large-scale clinical trial of Glucodyn. Thomas advertised in a local paper and on Reddit to get a group together of diabetics. What happened next?

After posting advertisements for a week, Thomas had assembled a group of 384 people aged 21-79 from various backgrounds and geographical locations, who wanted to participate in the Glucodyn Clinical Trial

Thomas provided each participant with a form that would track their progress.

Participants in the study who reduced their blood glucose levels by 100%

Minimum blood sugar reduction is 46%

The study found that 84 participants lost weight, "eliminated insane amounts of fat," and claimed to have better appetite control.

Thomas discovered that Glucodyn significantly improved the vision of 21 people who participated in the study.

Some participants reported improvements in their energy levels, concentration, hair growth, brain sharpness and focus.

Thomas described Glucodyn's results as "a total success" because of these trials.

Glucodyn is based on the theory that diabetes does not occur because of genetics, diet or exercise, but rather because of Candida living in your gut. This claim is not supported by any scientific evidence. There does appear to be a link between diabetes and candida: If you have diabetes you may have an immune system that is weaker, making it more likely to contract infections such as candida overgrowth, also called candidiasis, or a yeast infection. It is common for diabetics to develop Thrush. There is no evidence to suggest that candida or thrush causes diabetes.

Glucodyn is a combination of strains that fight the symptoms associated with diabetes. Probiotics are beneficial for diabetics' gut health. There is little evidence that probiotics are able to reverse type 2 diabetics or cure diabetes, as suggests. In a 2020 study, probiotics were found to have positive metabolic effects on patients with type 2 diabetics, which gave them better control of their condition. There is no evidence to suggest that probiotics alone can reverse type-2 diabetes.

Thomas Clark, creator of Glucodyn has not conducted a clinical study with 384 participants that had a 95% rate of success.

Glucodyn reviews: What do customers say? contains testimonials from customers who have experienced significant benefits by taking the supplement. Glucodyn has been tested by over 100,000 people, according to the company.

Check out some of the Glucodyn reviews by diabetics, people with pre-diabetes, and other users:

Glucodyn was described by one reviewer as the "key to the prison cell" and that he is now "a healthy free man again."

One reviewer claimed that Glucodyn returned his blood sugar levels to normal and that he "wept", when he stepped onto the scale, after taking Glucodyn.

Glucodyn is described by one verified purchaser as the "greatest step ever taken in treating type 2 diabetics."

One reviewer claimed that Glucodyn was the "only" thing that helped him achieve his ideal weight and maintain his glucose levels.

One person says that when his doctor saw his test results he "freaked" out, as he was surprised to see his blood sugar level had reached 122 following the use of Glucodyn.

One reviewer claimed that he had never thought it would be "so easy" to keep his blood sugar below 120 after taking Glucodyn. He said that his blood sugar level has been stable at 117 over the past 14-day period.

Glucodyn is a supplement that has been shown to help diabetics maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Glucodyn Pricing
Glucodyn can only be purchased on the official website. Each bottle costs $69. Each bottle is currently priced at $69.

This is how the pricing breakdown looks:

1 Bottle:$69 plus $9.95 shipping
3 Bottles - $177 plus free US shipping
6 Bottles - $294 plus free US shipping
Each bottle contains 30 capsules / 60 servings of Glucodyn.

Glucodyn Refund policy
Glucodyn offers a 60-day money back guarantee on all purchases.

You can ask for a full refund of your purchase without any questions within 60 days.

Returns address: 37 Inverness Drive E Suite 100, Englewood CO 80112

Thomas Clark formulated Glucodyn in collaboration with a priest-turned-doctor. The two claim that they conducted a 384-person clinical trial to confirm the safety and effectiveness of Glucodyn. The doctor-turned priest claims that he treated Hollywood celebrities in the past. However, it is unclear if he holds a Ph.D. or any other kind of medical degree.

Glucodyn can be contacted via the following contact details:

Email: [email protected]

Final Word
Glucodyn, a supplement for diabetes and blood sugar management, is only available online at

According to, Glucodyn, a mixture of MCT oil and probiotics, can reverse type 2 diabetes and lower blood sugar. It also purports to solve the majority of symptoms of diabetes.

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