Nerve Control 911 Reviews - Where To Buy Nerve Control 911
Published: May 10, 2024
Nerve Control 911, a nutritional product, is targeted at people who suffer from nerve pain, anxiety, or neuropathy.

Take two capsules daily of Nerve Control 911 to purportedly reduce inflammation, lower anxiety and repair damaged nerves.

Does Nerve Control 911 work? How does Nerve Control 911 function? In our review, you will find out all the information about this supplement.

What is Nerve control 911?
Nerve Control 911 contains plant and herbal extracts that soothe nerve pain.

This supplement contains corydalis, California poppy seeds, marshmallow roots, and other ingredients.

PhytAge Labs produces Nerve Control 911, a supplement that claims to provide a wide range of benefits. PhytAge Labs says Nerve Control 911 is a supplement that can provide a range of powerful benefits.

Supplements cannot typically claim to reduce blood pressure or inflammation. They can make claims about supporting healthy blood pressure or inflammation. PhytAge labs is confident in the supplement's effectiveness. Take a look at the supplement's workings.

What is Nerve Control 911?
Nerve Control 911 is a mixture of plant and herb extracts. These ingredients are said to target the central nervous system of your body, promoting nerve health all over your body.

By taking Nerve Control 911 every day, diabetics can supposedly better control their nerve pain.

Many diabetics experience tingling sensations in their extremities. Untreated nerve pain can cause more serious problems, such as an amputation. Poor circulation can cause nerve pain.

Nerve Control 911 contains ingredients such as passionflower and marshmallow root to solve these issues. PhytAge claims that these two herbal extracts " are the secret ingredients your body's nervous system so desperately needs. " Better yet, PhytAge claims that they have added these ingredients to a form which will allow you to " fully support your nerve health."

What to expect after taking Nerve Control 911
Nerve Control 911's sales page contains many testimonials from people who have eliminated their diabetic nerve pain symptoms after taking Nerve Control 911.

PhytAge Labs' testimonials lead us to believe that Nerve Control 911 can be a miraculous solution for neuropathy.

Nerve Control 911 is credited with a woman claiming she has "completely cured" herself of pain that "haunted her for years". The woman tried the prescribed drugs by her doctor, but they didn't work.

After taking Nerve Control 911, a man claimed that his "involuntary movements" were eliminated. He also said he began to "notice the inflammation decreasing in only days." After taking Nerve Control 911 for a few months, the involuntary movements had "almost completely stopped."

A medical professional in Texas claims that she was able to eliminate her nerve pain and anxiety within weeks after taking Nerve Control 911. This woman claimed that she tried "regular pain medications," but they didn't work. After she started taking Nerve Control 911 her anxiety "completely disappeared."

Nerve Control 911 Features & Benefits
PhytAge Labs states that anyone who takes Nerve Control 911 twice daily can enjoy powerful benefits. According to the official website, here are some benefits that you can experience by taking Nerve Control 911 twice a day:

Muscles are important for the body.
Control your voluntary movements and reflexes
The central nervous system is responsible for transmitting information from and to your rest of the body.
Send nerve signals to organs and muscle
Visual perception: Help for the blind
Reduce inflammation
Curb insomnia
Reduced anxiety and blood pressure
It's not common for supplements to advertise that they can reduceanxiety or blood pressure. Normaly, only drugs are allowed to advertise that they can lower blood pressure. PhytAge labs, however, is confident that Nerve Control 911 will help diabetics as well as others to enjoy the above benefits.

Nerve Control 911 Ingredients
You should be skeptical when supplements claim to have a significant impact on nerve health. Talk to your doctor about the cause of any nerve pain you may be experiencing. Do not rely on a supplement you find online.

PhytAge Labs, however, claims that their formula contains plant and herbal extracts which lower anxiety, blood pressure and inflammation. It also sends nerve signals from your brain to your body.

The following ingredients are included in Nerve Control 911.

Marshmallow roots: Marshmallow roots is a plant extract that has been used in herbal medicine for centuries. Nerve Control 911 contains a small amount of marshmallow root (around 110mg), but PhytAge Labs says that this dose can help reduce swelling and hydrate your body. Marshmallow root extract is high in anti-inflammatory mucin that helps support your digestive system, respiratory system and skin health.

Passionflower: Neuro Control 911 contains only a small amount (145mg), of passionflower extract. Passionflower extract has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Modern research indicates that passionflower may impact GABA-receptors. GABA receptors have been linked to relaxation. PhytAge Labs says the passionflower used in Nerve Control 911 may even have "antidepressant properties" that help you relax and optimize your nervous system.

Prickly Pear Extraction: Prickly Pear extract is found in dietary supplements, antioxidants, and other health and wellness products. Prickly pear is a plant extract that may support oxidative stresses in your body. It could also help your body fight inflammation.

Corydalis Nerve Control 911 contains corydalis. This ingredient is also found in many health supplements. According to PhytAge Laboratories, the corydalis found in Nerve Control 911 is similar to prescription medications. Corydalis is also claimed to "reduce both inflammatory pain and neuropathic symptoms" by the company, which is why it was added to Nerve Control 911.

California poppy: California poppy is the fifth and final ingredient in Nerve Control 911. Each serving of Nerve Control 911 contains only 45mg California poppy. PhytAge claims that this dose is effective in reducing inflammation and pain. California poppy is claimed to be effective in treating pain in the feet, hands and fingers. It also soothes nerve pain.

PhytAge Laboratories says they only use the "best ingredients" and manufacture them in modern facilities in the United States. The company does claim to manufacture Nerve Control 911 within the United States but it doesn't state that all of the ingredients are from the United States.

How does Nerve Control 911 repair damaged nerves?
Damaged nerves can cause nerve pain in many people. Your nerves are damaged due to high blood pressure and imbalanced blood sugar.

Nerve Control 911 claims that it can " repair damaged nerves at their core". This is something very few supplements claim.

Nerve Control 911 is made up of certain ingredients. How does Nerve Control 9-1-1 actually repair your damaged nerves?

PhytAge Laboratories doesn't explain how Nerve Control 911 repair damaged nerves. Nor do they cite evidence that their formula repairs damaged nervouss.

The ingredients in Nerve Control 911 may support healthy inflammation. This could help support the health of your nerves throughout your entire body. Supporting healthy inflammation is different from repairing damaged nervous systems.

Scientific Evidence for Nerve Control 911
While some may claim that PhytAge Laboratories is known for selling expensive supplements online backed up by questionable scientific evidence, the company's long-standing record and popularity in the industry seem to suggest otherwise. Nerve Control 911 is no different than other formulas under the "911' brand: There is no evidence that Nerve Control 911 reduces nerve pain or inflammation, or lowers your blood pressure, as advertised. It's not common for PhytAge Labs, in fact, to promote or any benefits.

PhytAge Laboratories has not published any peer-reviewed journals or reported any clinical studies for Nerve Control 911. They don't claim to have tested the formula on diabetic humans or animals to ensure its safety and efficacy.

PhytAge labs cites a few small studies, however, to support its ingredients.

PhytAge Labs cites a 2017 study, where researchers found that reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), in some animals can fight diabetes. Researchers analyzed ROS from zebrafish, mice and other animals in that study. They concluded that ROS can inhibit MMP-13, and therefore reduce diabetes symptoms. PhytAge Labs calls this study a "neuropathy break-through," even though it wasn't performed on humans.

Most doctors recommend a combination of diet and exercise to reduce diabetic pain. If this doesn't help, doctors can prescribe medication. PhytAge claims that modern neuropathy medications are dangerous and advises against taking neuropathy medication prescribed by your physician. PhytAge Labs cites a study that shows 500,000 Americans are expected to die of opioids in 2027. The study is unrelated with neuropathy drugs. You will not be prescribed opioids by your doctor to treat neuropathy. However, some doctors prescribe opioids as a pain reliever.

To further scare you off your doctor's prescribed medications, PhytAge Labs cites a study that shows two of the most common pain medication, gabapentin, and pregabalin are not effective for neuropathic symptoms. Both compounds have been approved by the FDA for pain management.

PhytAge Labs cites very little evidence to support the claims that their ingredients reduce neuropathy, heal damaged nervous systems, reduce inflammation or provide any other advertised benefits. We decided to do our own research.

Some studies have shown that Passionflower extract can help reduce anxiety. A 2016 study found that passionflower has anxiolytic properties, meaning it reduces anxiety. Researchers believe passionflower extract affects GABA neurotransmitters. Researchers discovered that passionflower can reduce muscle spasms by soothing GABA receptors.

Nerve Control 911 contains a small amount of marshmallow extraction. According to some studies, marshmallow root is an analgesic. This means that it relieves pain temporarily. Since ancient times, traditional medicine practitioners have been using marshmallow extract to relieve pain and inflammation.

Researchers have confirmed some of the benefits of marshmallow extract. A 2014 study revealed that some marshmallow extract species may have mild analgesic properties, and they are also known to soothe digestive discomfort. No studies have shown that marshmallow extract is more effective than prescription medications at relieving pain.

The amount of marshmallow extract used in Nerve Control 911, is much lower than that found in most studies and supplements.

PhytAge Labs makes many claims about the effectiveness of its ingredients, but provides little evidence to support these claims. There's a possibility that Nerve Control 911 reduces anxiety, blood pressure and damaged nerves in diabetics. However, there is little scientific evidence to support these claims.

Nerve Control 911 Pricing
The price of Nerve Control 911 varies from $49.95 per bottle to $69.95 depending on the number of bottles ordered.

You can only order Nerve Control 911 from the official websites ( or, where pricing breaks down like this:

Buy 1 Bottle for $69.95 plus Free Shipping to the US
Buy 2 bottles for $119.90 and get free US shipping
Buy 4 bottles for $199.80 and get free US shipping
Get Nerve Control 911 exclusively from PhytAge Laboratories at the Biggest Discount
Sign up for our auto-shipping program at $62.96 a month. Your credit card will be charged $62.96 per month for a new Nerve Control 911 bottle.

Nerve Control 911 Refund Policy
Nerve Control 911 offers a 90-day money back guarantee.

If you are not satisfied with the results from Nerve Control 911, for whatever reason, you can ask for a full refund. You can get a full refund if you do not lower your blood pressure, reduce anxiety or relieve diabetic nerve pain after taking Nerve Control 911 within three months.

About PhytAge Laboratories
PhytAge Laboratories, a Texas-based company selling natural supplements online, sells a variety of nutritional supplements.

The company also sells Tinnitus 911, Blood Pressure 911 and Prostate 911. These supplements are popular because they claim to promote healthy blood pressure. PhytAge Laboratories is one of the most expensive nutritional supplement companies on the internet.

PhytAge Laboratories doesn't claim to have a board of medical advisors, nor do they claim to test their supplements in third-party laboratories to verify safety and efficacy. The company does claim to manufacture its supplements in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered factory.

Contact PhytAge Labratory using the following methods:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-800-822-5753
Mailing address: 12600 Hill Country Boulevard, Suite R-275 Bee Cave, Texas (78738
Final Word
Nerve Control 911, a supplement for diabetic nerve pain, claims to reduce inflammation as well as repair damaged nerves.

You can order Nerve Control 911 today online, with a guarantee of 90 days.

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