Neuro Balance Therapy Chris Wilson | Neuro Balance Therapy Exercises
Published: Jul 02, 2024
The Neuro-Balance Therapy Program is a series of DVDs with sequences for beginners, intermediates, or advanceds. It helps you regain strength and mobility, as well as effortless stability in your legs.

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What is Neuro-Balance therapy?

Neuro-Balance therapy is a program that will make your life fallproof. No more dangerous trips, falls, injuries and ER visits.

Implementing every detail in Neuro-Balance therapy will make your life more comfortable and safe.

This program includes a therapy dvd and a Spike Ball to help you fall-proof your walking, running, jumping, or other activities.

The DVD contains a series of exercises that you can easily perform to improve your nervous system and balance.

This DVD is a collection of videos and information that will help you improve your mobility and stability in just a couple of days by practising some movements.

This program contains beginner, intermediate, and advanced movements that will help you develop your expertise in preventing trips and falls.

The program also comes with an extremely unique nerve-wakeup Spike Ball which stimulates the peroneal nervous system.

This nerve will help you avoid any falls and trips. Your body can lose its balance if this nerve is dormant or dead.

With the Neuro-Balance Therapy Spike Ball, you can activate and strengthen the peroneal nerve of your foot.

What is it?

The Neuro-Balance Therapy DVD includes a Spike Ball, designed by Chris Wilson a Balance & Stability specialist. He is a master at helping people of all ages improve their mobility, stability, and balance.

According to research, Chris explains that more than 20.000 people have died due to tripping and falling. About a million are injured.

Science explains the need to awaken or revive your peroneal nerve to prevent this.

Each video on the DVD improves your balance in an extremely subtle way.

You can prevent sudden falls by performing these movements on a regular basis.

Spike Ball uses , a unique nerve-wakeup technique which uses acupressure to awaken your dead nerve.

You can prevent deadly falls by using these tips for a few moments every day, while you are watching TV or doing chores.

Neurobalance Therapy can save your life as it includes expert-guided video for certain movements. This would have cost a lot more if you had gone to physiotherapy.

These videos show you how to use the Spike Ball in your daily life.

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You can run and walk anywhere you want with confidence.
You can avoid falling, tripping and getting injured.
You can save your life by preventing the most deadly accidents that could occur when you fall.
This prevents you from losing your balance.
Strengthens the peroneal nerve and your feet.
It improves the overall nervous system.
Spike Balls help you to gain youthful balance.
This helps to reduce the risk of injury.
This helps you to be confident on the stairs.
This prevents you from feeling shaky and nervous while doing your chores.
You can do it even while sitting.
You can stay active.
This product helps to reduce stiffness.
This product helps to improve mobility and stability.
The nerves, joints and other tissues are also benefited.
What is the program?

This program is packed with important information, and you won't want to miss it.

Chris designed this program for people of all ages, but especially older adults, to prevent trips and falls without having to go to therapy or hire a trainer or use expensive or large equipment.

What it includes:

Neurobalance Therapy DVDThe DVD can be used very easily. It can be viewed on a computer, laptop, or TV. You can watch it on a laptop, TV, or computer.
Spike BallThe bonus is a Spike Ball. The Spike Ball uses a nerve-wakeup technique that awakens the dead peroneal nervous in your foot, restoring balance. This ball contains crystallized particles, a relaxing material that hardens and helps revive the nerve. This program is available in digital and DVD versions. It contains exercises and movements that you can do with a Spike Ball.
FREEBONUS #1: Top 20 Tips to Fall-Proof your Home:It would cost $97 but you can get it free! It includes a list of the 20 best ways to make your house so safe that you will never fall. With Neuro-Balance therapy, you'll be able to strengthen your nerves and prevent falls. You can also make your home fall-proof so that you won't have any chance of falling. These tips can save you a lot of money and your life.
FREEBONUS #2: Downloadable Version of Neuro-Balance Treatment Program:It cost $97 but you can get it free! These videos are available in a digital format or version, which you can download and use to exercise your peroneal nerve at home or wherever you like. It is easy and convenient to use. You can download these and play them at any time.
Who is the best person to use this system?

According experts our peroneal nervous system becomes weaker over time. The lack of nutrition and sedentary living are to blame. We relax more and less and stop using nerves.

The peroneal nerve is now dead and we lose our balance. Chris explains that this is a deadly situation, as we can end up falling or getting injured every time we walk or do anything.

If this sounds familiar, then the Neuro-Balance Therapy is for you.

The program is designed for adults and anyone that wants to improve their nervous system, including their nerves.

Use the Neuro-Balance therapy program to help prevent falls.

What is the cost of the program?

This program is worth a thousand or more dollars, as it could save you from injury! Chris is generous and will share the program at a discount price.

It is only available on its official website, since it's a program that has amazing bonuses. The program was originally sold for $97. However, it is now available at a reduced rate.

The entire program, including all bonuses and the Spike Ball is available for $47. The price includes the Spike Ball and DVD.


The digital program is available for only $37. Spike Ball is not included.

Two bonuses are yours:

Top 20 Tips to Fall-Proof your Home
The Downloadable Version of Neuro-Balance Treatment
You can also get a 100% money back guarantee for 60 days after you purchase the Neuro-Balance therapy program.

You can get a full refund if you don't like the product within 60 days after purchasing it on its official website.

Customer Reviews

"Chris Wilson has been my personal trainer for many years. Chris Wilson has inspired me to continue working out at a 45-year-old's level, even though I'm 75 years old. Chris Wilson is the best person I know to keep you strong, safe, and fit with a "Compressed Mortality" timeframe. What else could you want? "Get his program!! "

"As someone who is always on the go, Chris and me clicked instantly. We shared a passion for fitness, which made the years we spent training together fun and rewarding. Chris made our workouts fun and challenging. He also found new ways to keep my fitness level high. His new balance program I think is fantastic. I could not agree more that balance, stability and daily fitness are key factors in a healthy life. I believe that Neuro-Balance Therapy can help people lead a healthier lifestyle. "Wow, you did a great job!"

Final Verdict:

The Neuro-Balance Therapy Program has helped thousands improve the speed of their peroneal nervous system to restore maximum stability and balance.

You should also try Chris' program if you want to stop falling and tripping and being clumsy.

This program can literally help save your life, if you regularly practice the exercises and movements with the Spike Ball included.

What are you still waiting for? You can buy Neuro-Balance Therapy here and receive instant access.

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