ProstaClear Reviews - Where To Buy ProstaClear
Published: May 08, 2024
ProstaClear, a prostate health product, claims to reverse prostate growth in just 30 days.

ProstaClear contains a natural blend of ingredients, such as fenugreek or milk thistle to help support prostate health.

In our review, we will tell you everything about ProstaClear.

What is ProstaClear?
The supplement is targeted at men who have prostate problems, are frequently urged to urinate, or suffer from other symptoms of BPH.

ProstaClear is a mixture of resveratrol and other ingredients including fenugreek and milk thistle. It claims to allow you to "pee like racehorses" without any pain or discomfort. You can also sleep all night and feel refreshed in the morning.

David Stephenson developed ProstaClear after watching his father suffer from severe prostate problems and the ineffectiveness of prostate drugs for many years. ProstaClear was developed based on the research he conducted into Eastern treatments for prostate issues.

ProstaClear: Benefits
According to its official website, ProstaClear addresses the root causes of hormonal issues to provide the following benefits.

Poop without discomfort or pain
Sleep all night without having to take regular bathroom breaks
Regain sexual drive and performance
Increase your energy levels
Regain confidence
It works at any age, regardless of whether you have had prostate problems for a long time or if you've tried drugs, surgery, or other natural remedies in the past.

ProstaClear is designed to help men overcome some of their biggest issues as they age. ProstaClear can help you avoid waking up at night to urinate or struggling with urination.

How does ProstaClear work?
All prostate supplements claim that they support your prostate in different ways. ProstaClear, however, claims that it can reverse prostate enlargement within 30 days.

What makes ProstaClear different? What is the ProstaClear process?

ProstaClear is the brainchild of a man, who saw his father suffer from prostate problems and urinary issues. This 57-year-old firefighter was "raped of his dignity" by his prostate issues and was reduced to "a shell" of the person he was before.

ProstaClear was created by the son of that man to save his father from further embarrassment. He began to look for natural remedies for prostate issues. His search eventually led him to an old Eastern formula that "shrinks the prostate" and helps you pee like racehorses.

ProstaClear does this by targeting the hormonal imbalances in the body, the root cause of prostate issues. These hormonal imbalances can increase the risk for prostate problems.

ProstaClear is a natural blend of hormones that supports herbs, plants and other ingredients. These ingredients were designed to achieve two things:

ProstaClear first prevents testosterone from being transformed into estrogen. This lowers estrogen levels (including estradiol-17). You can increase your testosterone and decrease estrogen by reducing the amount that testosterone is converted to estrange.

ProstaClear helps your body eliminate as much estrogen as it can to support prostate health.

These two steps are described by the makers of ProstaClear as "the holy-grail" when it comes prostate health for men over 40, 50 and older.

Who is the creator of ProstaClear?
David Stephenson, a firefighter of 57 years old, struggled with prostate issues for many years. David Stephenson watched as his 57-year-old father struggled with prostate problems for many years. David's prostate issues reached a climax with a hospital stay. He decided to do research on natural prostate cures and developed ProstaClear.

David's father was a strong, fit and healthy firefighter. He served in the Park Ridge Chicago City Fire Department for 33 years, 15 of them as a Captain. He put his life at risk every day for others. David calls his father "the greatest man that I have ever known."

David's dad, however, developed serious prostate and urinary issues over the years. He was eventually forced to wear adult diapers.

David's dad's prostate issues came to a head during his retirement party. David and his mom found their father in the bathroom, bleeding from his penis. David's description of the incident is as follows:

"... a few minutes after we began searching, Mom screamed: "Oh my God, your dad's dead "...A couple seconds later, I found him...Lying on the bathroom floor...His pants were soaked in red ..."

David's father was in a very bad condition at the hospital. He had an enlarged prostate, urinary issues, and was suffering from a kidney infection.

David's father was sent home by doctors after being hospitalized. During the following six months, his prostate problem worsened. David and his dad blamed prescription medications, which is the reason they seem to advise against taking doctor prescribed medication for prostate issues.

ProstaClear Versus Prescription Medication
ProstaClear is marketed as a safe and effective alternative to prescription medications for prostate problems. According to the official ProstaClear site, pharmaceutical companies are not interested in treating prostate problems. They only want to manage symptoms.

David Stephenson, the maker of ProstaClear and other experts agree that "none" of these drugs works in the long run. This is why ProstaClear is recommended instead.

ProstaClear is a prescription drug.

According to ProstaClear's makers, prescription drugs do not work over the long term because they do not target the root causes of prostate problems.

Alfuzosin, an alpha-blocker that costs over $3,000 a month, is more expensive than popular prostate drugs such as Tamsulosin.

Men who take prostate medications can experience side effects such as blood pressure problems, reduced sexual function, fatigue, nausea, and drowsiness.

David's father's enlarged prostate after taking prostate medication prescribed by his doctor

Many prostate drugs lower your DHT, an important androgenic hormonal. This may work for a short time, but over the long run, it will destroy your manly characteristics and testosterone, leaving you as a shell.


The prostate drug market is valued at over $20 billion a year and continues to grow. David says that big pharmaceutical companies want you to obey and follow orders because they are looking to become richer each year.

David seems to be recommending ProstaClear over prescription prostate medications. David's father was able to witness the benefits of natural treatments.

Prescription Prostate Drugs Boost Estrogen and Reduce DHT
DHT is lowered by many prostate drugs. These are DHT blockers. These DHT blocks can help reduce your prostate size and ease BPH symptoms. They can increase estrogen, which will make BPH symptoms worse over time.

David's research revealed some issues with DHT Blockers:

These drugs may temporarily reduce your prostate size and offer temporary relief for a few months or years, but they don't fix the problem long-term.

As DHT levels drop, estrogen levels rise, causing unwanted side effects, such as lower testosterone and higher levels of estrogen.

A high level of estrogen can cause tissue growth that leads to man boobs and other issues.

Over time, excess estradiol causes your prostate to grow; even if you take prostate drugs that shrink it temporarily, the estrogen excess could cause your prostate to increase in size over the long term.

All of these factors may mean that prostate drugs are not the best solution for many men. DHT blockers, and other prostate drugs may cause more problems than they are worth.

David's father's prostate shrank after using ProstaClear
David Stephenson was frustrated by the lack of success his father had with prostate drugs prescribed by doctors. He began searching for a natural alternative.

He found Eastern remedies, traditional Chinese medicines, and other similar solutions. David's father received ProstaClear after he gathered a mixture of ingredients.

What happened when David first gave ProstaClear his father?

David's prostate was "the size of an orange" before he started taking ProstaClear. The prescription drugs for prostate enlargement had only made it worse.

David's doctor prescribed ProstaClear, which contains chrysin (as well as I3C), two active ingredients.

David's dad "was urinating less frequently and pain-free" within "just a few day[s] of taking these two ingredients."

David's dad only had to get up to pee once or twice per night after taking ProstaClear for a week (instead the normal 4 to 5 trips).

David's dad was able, within 2 weeks, to stop using adult diapers. He had regained bladder control. He could leave the house without worrying about the bathroom.

David's dad was " urinating like a racehorse " and "sleeping through the night" after taking ProstaClear.

Overall, David claims ProstaClear "completely reversed my dad's prostate enlargement...quickly and easily...within 6 weeks." His father had been "near death" and had a prostate the size of an apple before he started taking ProstaClear. He's now happy, healthy and doesn't feel embarrassed.

ProstaClear Ingredients
All prostate problems claim that healthy prostate size is the solution. Not all prostate supplements have the optimal blend of ingredients, dosages and concentrations.

David Stephenson's team has outlined the ingredients and their function in ProstaClear.

Chrysin ProstaClear is chrysin. It can be found in small quantities in substances such as passionflower and bee propolis. David added chrysin because it is "the strongest natural aromatase inhibiter around," meaning it can prevent the conversion from testosterone to estrogen. David says that chrysin can reduce inflammation, increase testosterone, boost fertility and improve immunity. According to some studies, chrysin can reduce the progression of certain types prostate cancer cells.

Indole 3 Carbinol: The most important ingredient in ProstaClear is I3C. David calls it "an essential nutrient" for reducing BPH because it accelerates the breakdown of estradiol in the liver and helps your body to pass the estrogen out of the body. I3C can be found in cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. A 2001 study showed that I3C inhibited cell growth in prostate cancer cells. Other studies have confirmed the link between I3C and prostate cancer inhibition.

Eurycoma Longifolia David's father was able to maintain his prostate health with just the first two ingredients. Eurycoma Longifolia, also known as tongkat ali, was added by David in order to increase his father's levels of testosterone. This ingredient increases energy while decreasing symptoms of estrogen imbalance, such as man boobs or a larger belly.

Fenugreek Fenugreek can be found in many testosterone boosters. Fenugreek blocks aromatase from converting estrogen into testosterone. As you age, your aromatase becomes more active.

Resveratrol Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in red wines and other foods can reduce inflammation. The makers of ProstaClear claim that estrogen is an aromatase inhibiter, and will lower estrogen levels, and control prostate enlargement.

Nettle root: ProstaClear is a formula that contains nettle roots, an herb used in prostate treatments for centuries. David and the ProstaClear Team claim that the nettle roots in the formula increase urine flow, increase volume, reduce prostate, and relieve lower urinary system pain and discomfort.

Cissus quadrangularis: Also called "the devil’s backbone," the cissus can reduce stress, increase testosterone, while supporting weight loss, joint health and strength.

David claims that the nutrients found in ProstaClear have "completely reversed the enlargement of my dad's prostatic gland." His prostate had enlarged to the size an apple. ProstaClear reduced the prostate to a healthy, normal size, and reversed the symptoms of BPH.

ProstaClear Ingredients Label
David Stephenson, the ProstaClear team and their ingredients are disclosed upfront. The formula is made up of three proprietary blends that contain a mixture of ingredients that are backed by science.

What you get with each ProstaClear capsule:

EstroControl Blend 105mg with I3C and Resveratrol

507mg of TestSupport Blend with fenugreek extract, cissus quadrangularis, tongkat ali, and 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran
LivSupport Blend containing milk thistle (80% silymarin).
Gelatine (to make the capsules) and rice flour are also inactive ingredients.
ProstaClear reviews: What do customers say?
ProstaClear has become a favorite among men of all ages, including those in their 40s and 50s. ProstaClear was purchased by some customers for an older relative, such as a father with prostate issues. Some customers claim they have seen significant results on their own.

Check out some of the comments left by users on the ProstaClear official website.

One customer was suffering from prostate problems that were so severe he had to take three medications. He was still waking up four or five times per night to go pee. This left him feeling mentally foggy on the following day. ProstaClear has "mostly" eliminated the prostate problems of this man. He now only wakes once at night.

One customer says that he had a painful experience peeing before taking ProstaClear. The doctors tried medication to help, but it didn't work. This man says that after taking ProstaClear just for four days, his "flow" was stronger, and he felt the urge to urinate less often. Three weeks later, this man is "symptom-free" and "feel[s] younger."

After taking ProstaClear, one customer says he no longer gets up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and can now confidently attend work meetings with out needing any breaks.

One customer says he had embarrassing wet patches on his pants prior to taking ProstaClear. He can now control when he begins and stops urinating.

A 52-year-old man had prostate problems and was having painful urination. He didn't want to go to the doctor because of his insurance problems, so instead he used ProstaClear. This man's pain was gone within 4 days after using ProstaClear. This reviewer said that after 3 weeks "it's 95% gone and I am able to pee easily."

ProstaClear was described by another man as the "answer to my prayers". His prostate problems were so bad that he had to pee 20 times a day and four times a night. He says he felt like his old self by the third day of taking ProstaClear. Now he only pees once or twice a night, and sometimes not even at all.

One reviewer claimed that he had tried 25 different supplements over the years, but ProstaClear was the only one to work. ProstaClear helped him sleep better at night and stop frequent trips to the bathroom.

ProstaClear is backed by 53 674 satisfied customers, and that number continues to grow. The official website claims that many men have virtually eliminated all symptoms and prostate problems within weeks after using the supplement.

ProstaClear Pricing
ProstaClear can be purchased for as little as $39 a bottle if you order 6 bottles. Each bottle contains 30 servings of ProstaClear (60 capsules). Take two capsules per day to help support prostate health.

ProstaClear pricing is explained when you order online today .

1 Bottle: $55 + $19.95 shipping
3 Bottles - $147 plus free US shipping
6 Bottles - $234 plus free US shipping
According to the official site, many reviewers claim that they have virtually eliminated all their prostate issues within 3 days or 3 weeks after using ProstaClear. Online testimonials suggest that you may only require one or two bottles of ProstaClear to reverse your problems.

ProstaClear Refund Policy
ProstaClear offers a 180-day money back guarantee.

If ProstaClear does not work for you after 180 days or you are unsatisfied with the product for any reason within that time, you can contact the manufacturer for a refund.

David Stephenson created ProstaClear to treat his father's severe problem with prostate. David Stephenson, after seeing how specific plants and herbs helped his father, partnered with a company to share the formula.

ProstaClear today is manufactured in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered facility in Colorado. The company claims that they manufacture supplements in state-of-the art, pristine laboratories.

The label on the ProstaClear supplement states that it is distributed by Apollo Research, LTD., a company based in London, which can be found online at

Contact the ProstaClear makers and customer service team by using the following contact details:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (917) 675-3052
According to its official website, ProstaClear has been sold in nearly 60,000 bottles worldwide, making it the most popular prostate health supplement.

Final Word
ProstaClear, a nutritional product, is targeted at men who have prostate problems, enlarged prostrates, or benign prostatic hyperplasia.

ProstaClear, a combination of ingredients backed by science, is said to shrink your prostate, reduce the number of nighttime bathroom trips, restore urinary functions, boost testosterone, and increase energy.

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