Unlock Your Hip Flexors PDF
Published: Apr 23, 2024
Recent research indicates that hip muscle stiffness is the cause of poor health in people over thirty. The "hidden muscle of survival" can boost metabolism, fight belly fat and combat chronic pain.

Doctors say that eating healthy and exercising regularly are the keys to good health. Unfortunately, tight hip-flexors are at the root of poor overall health. Hip flexors control the balance and movement of the body. Tight hip-flexors can affect your ability to sit and twist, bend or stand, as well as walk, step, and move.

The Unlock your Hips Flexors Program combines natural movement and self-massage to loosen psoas muscle, thus improving your overall health. How do the self-massage and activities work? What are the advantages of losing hip flexor muscle?

Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program
Unlock Your Hips Flexors is a digital program that promotes mental, physical and sexual well-being. This program will help you loosen your hip flexors to improve blood circulation, increase energy, and accelerate fat burning.

The 10 exercises in the Unlock Your Hips Flexors Program activate specific muscles, and protect joints from stiffness. The psoas-loosening exercises can be used by anyone, regardless of gender or age. The DVD videos have been divided into two parts to help you understand the correct way of loosening this unique hip muscle.

In the first part, Rick walks you step-by-step through the movements in the sequence flow. The second part of the video is the Follow-Along format, which will help you to perform the movements correctly.

Tight hip flexors can cause a variety of symptoms.
Walking discomfort
Immunity compromised
Sleep problems
Hips locking up
Joint pain in the lower back, hips and legs
Poor posture
Unmanaged anxiety
Digestive problems
In sports or gym, there is a lack of explosiveness
Sexual performance declines
Unlock Your Hips Flexors' developer claims that tight hip flexors are a problem for billions of people. Hips are like barometers. Instability and poor hip health are indicators of a compromised well-being. The hips contain a primal muscle which ensures that internal organs work optimally.

Hip health and the hips
Unlock Your Hips Flexibles states that the hips are the bridge between the upper and the lower body. The center of all movements is the structure. The psoas muscle is responsible for many functions, including supporting your entire movement.

The "mighty" hip muscles, the psoas or lower back vertebrae, attaches itself to the vertebrae of the lower spine, pushes the pelvis and then converges at a tendon on the top of the leg. The breathing system is controlled by the unique muscles that are linked to the diaphragm. The psoas is a muscle that supports the body's organs. This can affect some biochemical processes.

With a healthy psoas, you can achieve peak performance, lose fat, improve your sexual health, and fill your body with new energy and vigor. Sitting for long periods of time can tighten the psoas. Passive activity can weaken, shorten, and tighten the hip flexor muscles, causing a variety of health issues. The tightness of your psoas can affect the way you sleep and cause tension and stress.

What Effects does sitting have on mental and physical health?
Unlock Your Hips Flexors reveals health issues caused by tight hip flexors. Avoid sitting for long periods of time. Stretching your hip flexors is important. Sitting for long periods of time can cause a number of health issues.

Bulging Belly Syndrome
Why do some people with an active lifestyle have a bulging stomach despite their diet and level of activity? According to Unlock Your Hips Flexors, the bulging stomach syndrome is caused by tight pelvic muscle. It is nearly impossible to tighten the stomach through exercise unless you loosen these hip flexors.

The tight psoas muscle makes the lower back curve and pushes the stomach out. Unlock Your Hips Flexors allows the psoas to function correctly. This results in a flat and strong stomach.

Poor Sexual Performance
To achieve the best erections and vitality during sexual activity, men need optimal blood circulation. Sitting for long periods of time causes the hips to stick in a forward thrusting position. This hinders blood flow into the penile region. Unlock Your Hips Flexors teaches you how to loosen the psoas muscle, which will optimize blood flow throughout your body. Simple movements can improve your sexual performance, erection and energy.

Fat Loss Inhibitor
The psoas is responsible for the "fight-or-flight" response. It tightens when you are in fetal position (to protect you) or running (to boost adrenaline production). When the psoas is chronically tight it tells the rest of your body you are stressed, which overworks the adrenal gland.

The tightening of the hip flexors alters the hormonal balance and stimulates the body to either store fat or produce new fat cells. The survival muscle needs to be kept loose for a long time in order to stimulate the release of hormones that boost metabolism, reduce stress and improve sleep.

What Exercises Unlock Hips, Legs and Back?
Unlock Your Hips Flexible program developer says that you need to make certain movements to loosen your psoas and improve the health of your hips, back and legs. Stretching activities can include:

PNF stretching: The Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation technique is used to activate a particular muscle in the body. The PNF technique allows you to relax muscles around the joint and eliminate stiffness. This method is effective in treating chronic pain, especially in the legs, hips and back.
Dynamic stretching: Inability to move a joint to its full range leads to progressive muscle and joint issues. Dynamic stretching activates muscles surrounding a joint. Exercises like this increase the range of motion in the area around a joint, warm the muscles surrounding it and promote optimal blood flow around that joint.
3-D Stability Exercises According Unlock Your hip flexors, calisthenics targets the muscle in every plane of movement. The 3-D Core stability workouts improve the strength, endurance and activation of abdominal and core muscles. The movement protects muscles and joints from unneeded and damaging stress.
Mobility exercises: These movements are aimed at the joints. These exercises are great for reducing stiffness and optimizing joint functions.
Fascia stretching: The movement strengthens the tissues that surround the muscles. This exercise strengthens and loosens the fascia. It also reduces the risk of injury to muscles and joints. Stretching the fascia also prevents tightening of hip flexors.
Muscle Activation Motions: According to the creator of Unlock Your Hips Flexors, daily technology prevents many people from exercising their muscle. Some muscles are also affected by prolonged sitting or sleep. The "dormant muscles" are targeted by the muscle activation technique, which helps your body move more efficiently.
Unlock Your Hips Flexible Program Benefits
Natural healing is activated by the sequential flow of Unlock Your Hips Flexors.
These movements will improve your flexibility, strength and vitality.
Unlock Your Hips Flexible movements will unravel all tissues including fascias, muscles, connective tissues and joint capsule.
Exercises increase blood circulation throughout the body. Improved blood circulation eliminates metabolites, lactic acid and other substances that cause inflammation.
The Unlock Your Hips Flexible can increase nutrient absorption in all joints, muscles and connective tissue.
These movements help to loosen the psoas muscle, which in turn increases fat oxidation.
It can help to strengthen the abdominal muscles and prevent fat accumulation
Self-Massage Tool
The Psoas Quick-Release Massage Tool mimics the hands, elbows and fingers of a masseuse. The tool is designed to relieve pain and tension. It's lightweight and has a unique shape. You can use the Psoas quick release tool along with Rick's sequential flow to loosen up the hip flexors.

The official website allows you to purchase the Unlock Your Hips Flexibles program. What is included in the program?

The Unlock Your hip flexors DVD video
Unlock Your Hip Flexors: A Manual
Psoas Self-Massage Tool with Quick Release
You can download the book in digital format for only $67.

Unlock your tight hamstrings
The 7-Day Anti Inflammatory Diet
After payment, customers receive the digital version of Unlock Your Hips Flexibles. You will receive the physical copy, DVD and Psoas Therapy tool within 7 business days.

Money Back Guarantee: Unlock Your Hips Flexors creator offers a 60 day money back guarantee.

Q. Why don't simple static stretches loosen hip flexor muscle?
The psoas is deep within the hips. To loosen hip flexors, you must do systematic exercises.

Q. When is the best period to perform the Unlock Your Hips Flexible exercises?
A. The developer recommends that you perform the movements either in the morning or the evening.

Q. How does Unlock Your hip flexors work?
The Unlock Your Hips Flexors Program uses various exercise techniques to "unpack" psoas muscle.

Do I need to hire a trainer in order to perform the Unlock Your Hips Flexible exercises?
You can perform the Unlock Your Hips Flexible exercises without a trainer or coach.

Final Word
Unlock Your Hips Flexors, an innovative program, is designed to loosen the psoas using a sequential-flow method. To achieve the desired result, you must correctly and progressively activate each muscle.

Research shows that releasing a muscle before the next can lead to damage, injury and a future tightening. Unlock Your Hips Flexibles is a digital and physical product. Customers are provided with a self-massage device to perform the sequential flow exercises without hassle.

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