Business Model Canvas Software

The simplest tools to create professionally-looked Business Model Canvas

Develop your business model in a nice one-page canvas

Business Model Canvas is frequently used in visualizing and communicating business model. The canvas is split into nine regions. Each region represents a major building block of a business model, providing readers with insights about the customers you serve, what value propositions are offered and through what channels, and the way company makes money.

Visual Paradigm Online features an online Business Model Canvas editor that is free for non commercial use. It also comes with a rich set of professionally designed templates that help you not just to start quick but to produce a design that is both professional and visually appealing.

Use rich-formatted text

Add text content into your canvas. A rich collection of formatting and alignment options are available for you to format your text in the way you want.

Use rich-formatted text

Memos and sticky notes

Makes your design more beautiful and attractive with the use of colored memos. A rich collection of sticky notes is also available for users in higher editions.s

Memos and sticky notes


Besides Business Model Canvas, you can also define your own canvases to suit your needs. Over 1000 icons are available for decoration purpose.

Customizing Business Model Canvas

Rich collection of professionally designed template

A full set of colorful and professionally-looked Business Model Canvas templates are available. No matter what niche you are in, you will be able to find a template that fits your need well. While you can use them all as they are, feel free to add your personal touch and customize them.

Business Model Canvas is designed by
The Business Model Canvas is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

More than a Business Model Canvas software

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Create diagrams and charts in a simple and flexible way.

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