Ken Doherty Quote
Ken Doherty Quote
Ken Doherty Quote
Ken Doherty Quote
Ken Doherty Quote
Ken Doherty Quote
Ken Doherty Quote

Ken Doherty Quote

Ken Doherty as an amateur, Doherty won the Irish Amateur Championship twice, the World Under-21 Amateur Championship, and the World Amateur Championship. An intelligent tactician, Doherty has compiled more than 350-century breaks in professional competition. Since 2009, he has combined his playing career with commentating and punditry work.

"The five S’s of sports training are : Stamina, Speed, Strength, Skill, and Spirit; but the greatest of these is Spirit."- Ken Doherty

Many of our jobs are physically demanding. To be proficient, it is necessary to train as an athlete.


A professional athlete knows that without stamina it is hard to maintain momentum. Strategic advantage is not enough to win on its own, the energy and power to maintain pace are also needed. Building physical and mental stamina takes time - so we owe it to ourselves to make time to get fit and stay fit, - this in turn will help us to stay ahead of our life and make sure we don't run out of steam at a crucial moment.


Speed of response provides the winning edge in sport. It is not always the most talented sportsperson who scores the goal - it is the one with the fastest reactions, who not only has the skill but is in right place and has the courage to take the opportunity.


Anyone who plays a sport will know how hard it can be to bounce back from losing a race or a tournament. The dream fades for a moment and all the hard work and training have been in vain, but those with a winner's mentality will bounce back from defeat and learn lessons from their loss - ready to fight another day.

Strength and endurance go hand in hand. A strong body helps to maintain courage and strength of mind, helping you to move closer to your goal without distraction.


Successful athletes are forever trying to improve their form. They are reliant on their health and their professional skills for their success and livelihood. A sportsperson knows that to keep ahead of the competition they will need to stay ahead of the game - by honing their skills and training smarter. No athlete can afford to be in denial about the new kids on the block - there will always be someone who is coming up behind them - who is faster, sharper, and just as hungry.

Personal experience counts for a lot, but in a fast-changing world, we also need to upgrade our knowledge. Are your skills up to speed, or do you need to get back in training?


The human spirit is the fire that ignites our motivation, inspires others, and maximizes personal performance. Having a passion for what we do and knowing why we do it, gives us the drive and determination to succeed - in sport, in business, in life - and it is contagious. We can all be inspired by an athlete striving for Gold, or a team that overcomes the odds to win a match or a trophy. But no athlete succeeds alone - they are part of a whole team who helps them to perform to the optimum.

The spirit of leadership fills others with confidence and makes the whole team pull together. The positive energy then feeds the whole team. Win or lose, everyone is part of the whole, and they are in it together.

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