Online animated flipbook creator

Offer a more engaging user experience to display your flipbooks with motions.

Design your first book Convert from File

Rich collection of effects

We have a wide range of animations to choose from. Each animation offers its own set of settings for adjustment and customization. Select an animation, click to apply, and the animation is ready.

Pre-made animations

Don't feel like designing yourself? We have got you covered, we also have a collection of pre-made animations library. Simply drag and drop these animated assets to your flipbook and you're ready to go.

Powerful timeline

Tweak each animation's time frame with our intuitive timeline. Drag and drop the time frame to make adjustment to the animation's occurrence.

Animations Types

There are specific animations for each type of element. Whether it is an object, shape, text, or photo we have designed animations specifically for each of those elements. Which will offer different animation variation for each type of element.

You are in control

There's always a start and a finish to every book, this is also true for animations. You can select an animation designed for a specific trigger point. They are: entrance, emphasis, and exit. This will help set the flow of how the animations should appear, and when it should be emphasized.

Let's see it in action

Interactive flipbooks will encourage your users to engage with your content. This experience is fun and easy for everyone while maintaining a high interactive level from the audience.

Team collaboration

Work together along side with other team members to produce the best result. Communicate and collaborate in real time with other team members.

Mobile ready

These animated flipbooks will work on any mobile and still remain interactive. Anyone with a link will be able to view the flipbook on any of their devices.


Share your stunning creations with your friends and co-workers. You can also embed your creation by simply coping and pasting the embedded codes onto your site.

How to create animated flipbook


Create a Flipbook

Start by scratch by using our online editor, or upload and convert a document to flipbook.



Browse through our collection of animations Click and apply animation to the selected element.


Publish and share

Once your flipbook is published, share it via a link or embed it to a site.