Happy 4th of July Facebook Post

Happy 4th of July Facebook Post Edit this Template
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Have you heard of Independence Day? It is a day for celebrating the nationhood of the United States. Independence Day was established in 1776 and people celebrate this festival in 4th July every year. It is also a federal holiday in the United States. Independence day is usually celebrated with fireworks, carnivals or fairs. This is a Facebook post designed for celebrating Independence Day in the United States. In this template, red, blue and white are used as the primary colors of design that matched with the color of American flag. Various images of the United States are used and designed as photo collage. The images are cropped as squares that effectively to show American flags in a neat way. This template is designed through Visual Paradigm Online. With use of the design tool in Visual Paradigm, you can easily create graphics with selected images. You can easily use the search tool on photo library to select various images that you would like to use as design elements. You can simple drag the selected image on the canvas for design.

Finding a simple tool to design graphics with images? Feel free to check out Visual Paradigm Online and browse some template for customization!

Facebook Posts Template Specifications:
This Facebook post template can be fully customized to your liking in every which way, content, colors, backgrounds, design blocks, etc.
Dominant Color
940 x 788 px

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